All right. Here's my sheet. Please let me know if you want me to change/add anything to it. --- [hider=Appearance][img=][/hider] Name: Haruka "Haru" Nakamura Gender: Female Age: 21 History: Haru was born to a low income family that threw her out when she was ten years old due to lack of funds. In order to not be sued, they opted to leave her to the foster care system, where she remained for eight years. In that time, she abandoned her innocence for brutal and often times violent outbursts to protect herself and those she cared about. Since she was a problem child, she was taken in briefly and only once. The home was later titled as 'unfit' and she was forced to return. When she left the home, all she had was a pack and her clothes on her back. So she went out into the homeless shelter first, hoping to find a job later on. She found a man called John. He was slightly older than her and a criminal. Haru was enamored with the idea of running with a thief at first. Later on she found herself being involved in bigger and bigger scores until they were nearly caught and thrown in jail. She proposed that they stop stealing and John disagreed. She said that her share was big enough as was, and was stabbed in the back by John. Haru, running on pure adrenaline, stabbed John back. He wasn't as lucky. Haru woke up in a hospital not long after, and was luckily not charged with murder, as it was a clear cut case with multiple witnesses. She was charged with manslaughter, however, and discharged much later. After a another more year on the street, she realized she wanted something better than that. She signed up to participate in the supersoldier program to better her situation and receive proper training. Appearance: [hider=Appearance][img=][/hider] Personality: Haru is standoffish and a loner, often times preferring to do things by herself over helping others. She is introverted and quiet, standing off to the side of the action as opposed to placing herself directly in it. However, when the time comes to fight or participate in a group activity, there can be glimpses of someone who is incredibly kind. When she knows a person, it becomes increasingly apparent that the she wears her heart on her sleeve, and that someone has taken advantage of this before. Haru is incredibly polite, almost to a fault. Anyone who is rude will easily get on her bad side, and she hates people who sugarcoat everything or lie. Likes: Quiet, reading, and getting things done. Dislikes: Loud noises, arrogant people, lying, and bitter things. Other: Secretly likes comic books and stories about superheroes. She has a thick scar on her back.