[img]http://i.imgur.com/AmxI4Io.png[/img] [u][b]Cuttersbury: Trail towards Drych Lake[/b][/u] Jett had just staggered painfully to his feet when he heard Estelle’s challenging the giant varren. He turned to look in her direction quickly. The young man cheered the red head on as she charged towards the mole. He couldn’t help admiring plucky Estelle even more. She was so cool! He whooped loudly when she swung her blade forward, but he forced himself to stop. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing! The varren retaliated by flipping over and kicking Estelle into the air. He watched helplessly for a second or two before panic gripped him. He shouldn’t stand around like a useless lump. Estelle could get hurt if she hit ground after falling from that height! “Ms. Estelle!” He dashed towards the varren at a breakneck speed. He didn’t care about the silly beast; in fact, he wasn’t even aware that it was staring at him. The only thing on his mind was his fellow Guilder. He craned his neck and looked up. It didn’t take long for Jett to realize that he was a little too late. Undeterred the novice sped up as much as he could. At the last minute he threw himself forward. All he could do now was pray that he managed to cushion Estelle’s fall.