[img]http://i1111.photobucket.com/albums/h461/kathichan1/ariacastshot.png[/img] [u][b]Cuttersbury: Trail towards Drych Lake[/b][/u] Trixie's shots merely annoyed it with stings, while Estelle's attack resulted in a counter that sent the girl flying into the air. Aria gave a worried cry as she darted over to Trixie. The girl didn't seem hurt and was merely lying face down on the ground, but the illusionist was more worried that flying rocks would accidentally bury the girl. "C'mon, up before the ants get you," She gave a few prods before looking back up at the fabulously posing Varren. It was much more powerful than the normal Varren, that was plain to see. She didn't quite want to get close enough since she wasn't quite sure if she could take a hit from those claws. Was there anything that could distract him? He was similar to Don, strangely so. What would distract a certain Big Bro? Her eyes widened before she shook her head. No, she shouldn't. Should she? She sighed. "I'm going to distract him! Attack while you can (and please don't laugh)." Aria squeezed her eyes shut, an image forming in her mind. Behind the pompadoured creature an image materialized- another Varren, only clad in white robes with flowing black hair tied halfway in a bun and shimmying seductively. In other words, one that looked strangely like the Selan version of a Varren. She sighed, facepalming. "I really hope this works..."