Christian exited the van with everyone else, running his hands from the seat to the side of the door. Once he was down on the ground he found himself a little bit lost. He recognized the voices all around him of course. He was still in the group but now anything more he did was contingent on asking for help. A lump formed in his throat at the thought of the last two times he'd had to do that. Twice in as many days. He of course had the eight hundred dollar plastic card but really what good was it to him if he couldn't find any stores. There were too many people for him to wander around blindly and he didn't have his White Cane anymore so there would be no chance of people moving out of his way. His revery was broken as the headache that he'd had since the bus accident peaked. It was like someone was squeezing a clamp around his brain. Just as the pain was becoming unbearable it broke like a water balloon showering his mind with his surroundings. It was almost a cute little town. In the middle of a flee market. There were 146 people on the streets right now but Christian's attention was immediately drawn by a man who'd just pushed his hand into one of there groups pockets swiping the cash card and walking off. Before Christian could think three other people broke away from the crowd running after the man. Vida, the girl with the skin melting abilities, a man in a suit who he didn't think had anything to do with them and the girl whose card it was. Christian took off after them at a run. Vida was just on the thief's tail, about to grab him when she stopped dead. Christian was confused for a fraction of a second before remembering what he'd heard she had done to that man's hand. [i]She's scared to touch anyone.[/i] He thought to himself. The man in the suit shouted something to the effect of "Federal Agent" and Sam turned down the wrong street. She seemed dazed. He thought between the thief and Sam and made a split second decision. He ran off after Sam. She'd stopped running now, they were getting further away from the crowd moving into an industrial district. Christian was about to speak when a terrible pain ripped through his head. It was like the activation of this second sight was a knife going into his head and when it shut down someone had torn the knife none to gentle from his skull. The world went black and Christian became dizzy like he'd suddenly been enveloped in a crushing darkness. His legs gave out from under him and he collapsed to his knees. His breathing was coming in ragged gasps. "Sam?" He managed "Sam are you all right?" He didn't give much thought to his own situation or any thought that someone else might think about it as serious. He'd been dealing with a body that betrayed him at every turn and had years ago accepted it as normal. What was important now was Sam. She was at the very least upset and angry and at the worst injured from the thief. --- [center][img=][/center]