[quote=HylianRose] I would adore a cool avatar and matching signature, provide you'd be so kind as to make one for me. I wouldn't in a million years dream that someone would make one for me but... Yanno... I thought I'd give it a shot. If you don't want to, you are free to say so and by no means am I demanding this. Just... inquiring.If you are interested, here are some ideas... >.>;So... ye. Only if you're up to. Should be a relatively simplistic design. I don't ask for fancy stuff... At least... I don't think...I will pay you in... hugs... and cookies... with milk. o-o;(Digitally of course as mailed milk wouldn't be too good, eh?) [/quote] [i] I definitely am that girl to make that dream come true (: After I look at my standing roleplays- I'll get started on this! Did you want the feather picture for both or can I play a little? [/i] [quote=XxLyraxX] That's amazing. Thank you so much! [/quote] [i] You're always welcome (: [/i] [quote=ChadsWorth The Thrid] Sorry, haven't been on for the weekend.Well, a Signature would be great. But, if you could also make both of their faces swished into an avatar, that would be great as well.You are awesome. [/quote] [i] No worries! Sounds great~ I'll try my best. I'm not sure where I can find such a photo o_o but I will sure try! [/i]