The song was one that even Ignia could enjoy, though she could never really remember a time when she had been allowed to dance around a fire in some small town. It did not matter, though, because she could imagine it. It was calming in a way, to be able to pretend she was performing for fun and not by orders. Like the first song, she let the music guide her in a way most would never understand. It was a common question that was asked for the hour or so that Octave allowed her to talk to guests: "How do you do it?" It was also a question that Ignia would never be able to answer. Lately, she'd taken to just telling them that it was in her blood. The country of her birth was well known for its talented dancers. It was only natural that she grow up to be one too. Despite herself, a smile made its way to Ignia's lips as she lost herself to the music that was playing all around her. Octave, on the other hand, was seething despite the calm appearance he displayed. The musician, he could do nothing about, as she was hired by contract. His slave, however, would be easy enough to punish for the embarrassment that he was sure she'd done on purpose. He was so distracted, thinking of how to do just that, that he almost missed when a certain spy came to stand beside him. For anyone else, what information this man had would be more important than an inappropriate song that people were barely reacting to. For Octave, someone who cared about appearance above all else, this was not the case. He motioned to Raime, indicating that he should follow as Octave stomped across the floor towards the dais that Ignia was dismounting. So distracted by her own thoughts, the demon girl had not seen him coming. More importantly, she had not had a chance to turn and run. It would have been unseemly, and probably would have gotten her a worse beating later, but it was an instinct that she could not suppress. As it was, Ignia did not even know he was there until he grabbed her arm harshly and began to drag her away. The point he was trying to make came across clear as day. He was letting everyone at that party know that he could control any slave, even the one that many of them feared. More so, he was using Ignia as an example of what happened to people who embarrassed him. Perhaps next he would sick his guards on the musician. It would be a fitting punishment. As for Ignia herself, she was just trying to keep the panic off her face. It was not like her to be scared of Octave as he was more bark than bite, but the look on his face told her that this time she had committed a great crime against him. This one had been in public, and it would likely drive some people away from the party, something that was the exact opposite of what Octave wanted. So, as he threw her through a door and into a hallway, she knew that something bad was coming for her. Even so, her curiosity got the better of her as she stared at the man following her master. It was not someone she'd seen before. As if reading her mind, Octave turned to address this man. "Tell me what it is you must and then leave."