Jeremiah sat in stunned silence for several minutes after the class had been let go. He looked towards Kasha as he got up "This has to be a prank they play on the first years, right?" he laughed halfheartedly. "[i]No i think they are serio...[/i]" Kasha stopped as did Jeremiah as the listened to the strange squealing that approached them. By far the strangest elf he had met (The list consisted of two.) hopped in front of him. "[b]My name is Mortia. is that a cat, may i pet her?[/b]" The elf reached out his hand towards Kasha who swatted him away. "[i]First, I'm not a cat I'm a demon and second, no you may not pet me.[/i]" Mortia continued to smile at the cat "[b]Oh I'm sorry, you still look like a cat though.[/b]" he said with a smile. Jeremiah liked this new elf especially how he annoyed Kasha. "My names Jeremy and this," He said with a small flourish. "is Kasha". Jeremiah and Mortia spoke for several more minutes until Jeremiah found the elf he was actually looking for. "Loreal," Jeremy asked walking up to her. "I was just wondering if they normally played this prank on the first years". Kasha Laughed at him again. Jeremiah continued to smile, "I mean there is no way they could expect students three days in to survive a labyrinth right?" He asked, Trying to keep his voice from showing the panic that had started to build. As Jeremiah spoke to Loreal, Mortia continued to stare at Kasha, A battle of wills had begun. "[b]Please Kasha?[/b]" "[i]No.[/i]" "[b]pretty please?[/b]" "[i]Nope.[/i]" "[b]Come on please let me pet you.[/b]" "[i]Not gonna happen.[/i]" Kasha finished the conversation by fleeing into Jeremiah's bag Leaving Mortia standing there.