[hider=Cradle East][center][img=http://i1104.photobucket.com/albums/h326/monkeyboy226/27f4b43a-7694-4da8-b54f-d23b04727dd3.png][/center][/hider] Culture Name: Bo-Fang Mythos: Before time itself was even created there were two being in the universe that created a balance between the negative energy of the universe and the positive energy. These beings created the the world that everyone knows now except that it was completely flat and barren which was perfect for these creatures that waged an endless struggle between good and evil. These two creatures look like massive dragons and they were in an eternal struggle to defeat each other and allow their energy to reign supreme in the universe. In order for this to happen each of the dragons raised up an army of creatures to fight for them with the positive energy giving birth to all creatures of the day and the negative energy giving rise for all creatures of the night and the combination of this negative and positive energy gave birth to the humans who fought on both sides of the conflict. This war lasted for centuries with neither side gaining any upper hand with and the world became scarred and deformed from its natural flat form. Humans had built massive fortress cities on the surface which serves as bases for the negative and positive with war becoming a constant part of their lives with battles breaking out almost every week always with the dragons now called Ying and Yang leading the charge. These wars could only keep going for so long and the dragons could see this and decided to come to a truce to wipe the planet and start from anew while giving all the creatures of the planet a fresh start so by combining their abilities they destroyed the planet and everything on it. When their work was done, Ying and Yang recreated all the creatures that and inhabited the planet before and than breathed new life into the humans with both good and evil. After all this was done the embodiment of both positive and negative light agreed to start their war again when the time was right but as for the moment they decided that they would rest and let the creatures of the world set their own paths for now. The two great beings set down on the planet they had created for their long rest and soon the world past them by and the ground around them swallowed them up with all that was remaining of Ying and Yang being their spines which are now known as the mountains. Basic History: Give me a backstory to your peoples. Give me the transition from their mythos to their tangible, documentable history, give me the names of your culture’s greatest rulers, its grandest cities, its most magnificent victories. [600 words min] Material Culture: Architecture, dress, culinary culture, art, symbolism, the glorious and delicious flavour that makes every culture unique. [300 words min] Society: The social organization, class structure, subcultures, power and wealth localisation and disparity, give me all of it. [300 words min] Geographic Nomenclature: What your culture calls the local geographic errata surrounding them. [100 words min] Local Influences [Can be edited in regarding accepted or prospective neighbor cultures]: What does your culture call its neighbors? What kind of sociopolitical or linguistic influences do these neighbors have on your cultures. This really paves the way for some sweet collaboration, so pay special attention to this.