"Mr. Young these are simple tests that are designed to analyze your durability. It seems to me that is the only superhuman thing so far, so we shall do some tests real fast to determine how strong it can get." boomed the loudspeaker in the room. Kyle was sitting in a testing ground area on the Academy. His schedule includes a specific class in which he gets to learn the true power of his durability so that he can use it for a better purpose. "We are going to start off with some basic hand weapons to determine the strength of your skin, starting with small blunt objects to sharper materials." A man in an armored suit walked out next to Kyle, holding a club. "Mr. Young do not panic, for if our calculations are correct, you should not feel a thing." he said. "Thanks but that doesn't he.........." the man hit the club over Kyle's head, and the club shattered on impact. Kyle did not even flinch, "You did not let me finish!" "Club does nothing, bring out the knife." said the loudspeaker. The man in armor drew a knife and proceeded to do a stabbing motion into Kyle's gut. The knife shattered on impact with Kyle. The man kept stabbing Kyle with multiple knives in multiple locations, each knife shattering on impact with Kyle not feeling a thing. Other weapons were used on Kyle, including swords, bayonets, axes, maces, and other blunt/sharp objects. By the hour's end, Kyle had learned that he can withstand most hand-held weapons should they be used against him. "That is all for today Mr. Young, report to your next class on Physical strength." said the speaker. In a glass window, while Kyle left, two men stared at the boy. "He could be a danger to the entire world, or a blessing to all of mankind Jim." said the first man. "Indeed. He has yet to achieve any of the characteristics of his "brother", and I pray that when he does, he does not destroy everyone in here." said the second man. "STAR Labs has been keeping an eye on him for a while. He still has no idea about where he comes from, nor has he gotten any other powers." "Fools, as he grows he will uncover more powers that will connect him to his clone, and when he finally discovers out his origins, he will have a choose on the matter at hand for certain things."