Alright I changed up the Pattons guns and added a list of current members by people who have stated they wished to join. Unit: 1st Breach Platoon aka "Hard knocks Platoon", this Platoon has three or four Mechs and a squad of six to ten infantry. The job of the breach platoon is to escort the main Breacher class Mech (The Patton) towards the objective once they have reached the build the Mech then extends a enclosed high powered ramp through the target breaching it and delivering a sudden attack though barriers and buildings. Due to the immense size of the Breacher it is rather slow due to having thick armor and heavy guns and light guns however it's Quadrupedal so it does take a lot to bring down. Many have referred to it as "A walking tank" however it is more along the lines of a APC. The other Mechs in the Platoon are normally light assault Mechs or medium class at minimum as the other Mechs are in charge of keeping faster attacker from destroying the Breacher. After assaults are carried out the Mech can becomes a artillery battery using laser targeting to destroy enemy's from long range. Hard Knocks Platoon pilots Captain Knight (Platoon leader.) 1st Lieutenant Nicholson Hard knocks infantry and personal Captain Locklear (Field commander for infantry.) Warrant Officer DuBois (Assign to Patton for in field repairs and as advisory to Captain Knight.) Staff Sergeant Mcknight (Demolitions expert) 2nd Lieutenant Connors (Sniper/Scout)