[quote=Apollosarcher] Hard Knocks is built around protecting the main Mech (Patton) who delivers troops then gives fire support once they are clear, Mechs for this company need to be more defensive and able to combat other Mechs or vehicles looking to take down the Patton. I would gladly take you but once again it's about utility and how the Mechs work with the troops in there Platoons. [/quote] The Patton is artillery, no? Artillery is like a really big sniper. It needs a spotter. The mech I have in mind isn't even supposed to be IN combat; it's supposed to stand back, in a hiding place near the Patton or whatever it's targeting for, and have connections with each of the mechs in the field. The mechs would target and identify enemy mechs and emplacements, and have some kind of external 3D scanner. All this, in turn, would be sent back to my mech, which would take it all in, map it out, predict possible courses of enemy mechs, and uses drones to keep track of them. Then it'd select good targets and give the Patton firing coordinates.