[center]"Cap'n, still not comin' in fer a drink?" Came an annoying voice from within the cabin. Ruben groaned; Raul was a particularly irritating crew member. Sometimes he wished the crew didn't need him so direly; he was a fool, but he certainly was a lucky fool. Constantly finding new treasures to chase down, always had a good ear for important detail. He was a mess with a sword, but the rest of the crew seemed to protect him. Ruben, however, never made such risks for a fools sake. "It's a windy night, Raul. I suggest you find your bed and rest before you get blown off deck." [i]Not to suggest I would mind if it did so.[/i] He thought menacingly. It'd be a lie to say that Ruben hadn't ridden the crew of a few inferior pirates before. Some of them indeed had [i]accidentally[/i] fallen off deck, or [i]died in battle[/i]. It was those rumors that had made him so infamous, actually; the fact that he had indeed killed crew members. Though Ruben, in a very twisted way, enjoyed seeing the terror on peoples faces when they saw him. It's how he'd gotten named [i]Ruthless Ruben[/i]. And he relished in their fear. He squinted ahead when he saw the familiar cove, and grinned; they'd be there within minutes. "Land ho!" He called back, and there were loud, drunken shouts of joy. Though, when they were less then five minutes away, he spotted something within; a green shimmer. His expression grew dark with rage. so there [i]was[/i] a thief! "Erekson!" He called to his second in command, who ran over to his service. "What is it, Cap'n?" Ruben pointed, a snarl on his face. "That man who spoke to Raul was indeed correct. There's a thief in my cove! We will surround him and I will kill him!" He growled in anger. "But Cap'n, if I may remind you; you've sworn not to kill on this land. If you do, sir, we'll never be welcome here again." Ruben growled in anger, pushing Erekson to the wheel. He pounded the post in fury. He knew Erekson was right. [i]Goddamn it![/i] He thought. He came back within a moment and sighed in attempt to calm himself. "We'll figure it out on the way. See what we're dealing with." He groaned. They soon made it to land, and kept their distance from the cove so not to raise awareness. Some of the men stayed on board, Ruben, Erekson, and some of the nearly-sober pirates sneaking to the cove, keeping under shadow so not to be noticed by the intruder. Upon arrival, Ruben dropped from the ledge of the cove to the entrance where he squinted to see inside. "Who is in there?" He shouted in an angry growl, his sword drawn.[/center]