[First Post] Madame Katherine Evangeline Greywind Action: Holding a mail-chat with Madame Vol discussing how to mutually benefit from their respective positions. First by reigniting the economy by making new jobs. (2-3 Assets) Also paying power bills: (2 Assets) [i]When I stepped up to assume my seat on the Council, I hadn't realized the situation was this dire. Our militia is dangerously under-strength, and the mob is growing increasingly more outspoken by the day. And my fellow councilors are....[Illegible scribbles and rewrites and erasures] But where there is chaos, there is opportunity. For various reasons, I rose to the council chair instead of my favorite rival in the power business. Well, no sense flaunting victory needlessly. Gloating is unprofitable in the long-run, especially since our Pillar is so terminally dependent upon Vol's energy supplies. And my labor supply as the masses dissent and flee. Let them flee, I can make replacements that are stronger, more loyal, eat less, and never question their place in this pillar. Either they match the times, or they fall behind forever. Priorities: 1) Rebuild Dahken's economy. 2) Make sure the mob won't be causing an uprising anytime soon. [s]Cake?[/s] (Bread + Circuses?) [b]JOBS[/b] 3) Get on Vol's good side. I don't want distractions at this time. Getting her a council seat unlikely. For now. Must convince her regardless. 4) Profit! Plenty of labor opportunities. - Journal of Katherine Greywind[/i] [hider=To Madame Vol] My dear Larimar. If I told you what I had to do to get this seat, I'd have to kill you as well. And you are far too interesting of a person to lose at this juncture where there are grand profits to be had for both of us. If we play our cards right and make sure we don't work at cross purposes that is. First order of business is to put the poor back to work. Keep them too busy to complain, off the streets so they don't listen to these revolutionary preachers, and get our economy back on track in preparation for the next crisis. To that end, I would inquire as to the possibility of re-igniting some more of the old Engines. As I understand it, for some of the deep-core engines it is a matter of getting to the lowest levels to rouse the Engines' heart, a position of extreme danger given the radiation and toxic substances in the underlevels, but too valuable and precise a task to simply throw convicts and criminals at. As it happens, Union Laborworks is developing new radiation-hardened genejacks. Originally for expeditionary purposes, but I think they would be a valuable asset to expand your holdings with with appropriate retraining. Once done, the new surplus of energy you could sell would be an opportunity for some of our lesser nobility to try to reclaim their names and make the poor more concerned about getting jobs than protesting. In return for several work crews of RAD-jacks (think thats a good title?) to encourage such economic stimulus to the profit of us all, I would inquire as to the possibility of Estate Power granting preferred power rates to certain Council holdings to help restart our Pillar. A nominal action in the name of assisting in the restoration of Dahken will make a far greater impression on the men of war than any complements I could give, although I shall continue to emphasize the value of your contributions to the Pillar to the rest of the council. From, Madame Katherine Evangeline Greywind, Union Laborworks [/hider] [hider=Character Stats] Assets(5) Power(0) Production(5) Influence (4) Charm(2) [/hider]