WIP also this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6sAUHwTP4A Name: Jacob Matthews Knight Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: [img=http://static.giantbomb.com/uploads/original/0/7473/411887-odst2.jpg ] Jacob stands around 6 foot 7 inches tall and is very well built. With short neatly cut red hair and piercing brown eyes. He is either wearing his custom black ops armor or in standard fatigues. Depicted above is him outside of his Mech in combat armor. Background: Growing up in United States a orphan he did not have many people to turn to so he instead turn to the military, in school his favorite topic was World War 2 having a love of General Patton and his idea of tank warfare. At age 17 he joined Marines. He attended school during his off duty hours and managed to become become a 2nd lieutenant by age 20 after graduating with a two year degree in engineering moving from front-line combatant to armored warfare core. From here he would be selected for training in special ops mechanized warfare specializing in heavy class Mechs. After a year of training and testing the first of a new breed of Mechs was created and the now 1st lieutenant Knight was selected to be it's pilot. After successful testing and trail runs Knight and the Mech went dark working in special operations and black ops during the past five years. However recently with more of this model of Mech being built he and the Mech were place in the NATO reserves. Rank: Captain Unit: 1st Breach Platoon aka "Hard knocks Platoon", this Platoon has three or four Mechs and a squad of six to ten infantry. The job of the breach platoon is to escort the main Torture class Mech (The Patton) towards the objective once they have reached the build the Mech then extends a enclosed high powered ramp through the target breaching it and delivering a sudden attack though barriers and buildings. Due to the immense size of the Patton it is rather slow due to having thick armor and heavy guns and light guns however it's Quadrupedal so it does take a lot to bring down. Many have referred to it as "A walking tank" however it is more along the lines of a APC. The other Mechs in the Platoon are normally light assault Mechs or medium class at minimum as the other Mechs are in charge of keeping faster attacker from destroying the Patton. After assaults are carried out the Mech can becomes a artillery battery using laser targeting to destroy enemy's from long range. Hard Knocks Platoon pilots Captain Knight (Platoon leader.) 1st Lieutenant Nicholson Hard knocks infantry and personal Captain Locklear (field commander for infantry.) Warrant Officer DuBois (Assign to Patton for in field repairs and as a advisory to Captain Knight.) Staff Sergeant Mcknight (Demolitions expert) 2nd Lieutenant Connors (Sniper and Scout) Role: Breacher/ personal carrier/ command vehicle / artillery. Gear: A TAR-21 with custom synced targeting to HUD in his Blacks Ops issue hard drop suit with magnetic holsters. A colt 45. pistol chrome with pearl grip and a automated personal assistant for troop management (Basically a AI to help him manage the battle and pilot.) Mech: The Breacher named "Patton", is modern United States Quadrupedal Weapon Platform slash troop carrier trading in one of it's heavy weapons for a breaching system and extra armor to deploy troops. Patton has four on board front mounted 50. caliber machine guns on swivels for Secondary weapons. It's primary weapons are twin 120 millimeter Forward mounted cannons than can be rotated for front facing fire or once locked down used as artillery with a auto reloading system allowing shells to be fired every 3.5 seconds. The price of all this greatness? Even with four legs this Mech will barely do 40 miles an hour with all weapons offline.. Secondary Weapons online and running hot? 30. Secondary and primary weapons online 20. This titan of Mech is very weak at the rear as it has no weapon to protect it so that's why it needs other Mechs covering it. The Torture class of Mech normally has two pilots however due to the on board AI this model does not. Many of Knights former commanders have used it as a moving base, in fact the troop bay can also be staff room or triage for wounded soldiers. Because the Patton is so large it can be used for evacuation, however if it is not needed it can enter "Lock down" Meaning it's legs fold under and it becomes a stationary artillery platform. Design of the Patton: The ideals of the great general live on through this death dealing delivery system. The chassis and cockpit have been painted world war 2 green, in white half worn off letters on the side of the hull it reads Patton, yet under that in crimson red it reads "Old blood and guts" in hand painted letters. At the front is allied star on the troop bay as worn and faded as the rest the of the decals. The legs of this war machine are as red as blood, Patton had told them to grease there tanks tread with the blood and guts of the enemy the paint symbolizing that motto.