[hider=Day Two - Afterhours] Ralthavar merely smirked as Ayaka whispered her message to him. She certainly was a firebrand. As the other students demonstrated their ability Ralthavar made sure to keep hastily written notes of their abilities and potential flaws. You never know what you need to know until you need to know. The teacher dismissed the students after he evaluated everyone's ability and Ralthavar gathered his things. He would have to go talk to the headmaster and headmistress about the creation of his orc's forts, but before he left he saw Ayaka. [b]"Well... Nothing wrong with a bit of me time."[/b] Rathalvar whispered to himself. Strapping his equipment to the various belts and bandoliers on his body he walked over to the foxy lady. [b]"You're as graceful as your whip Ayaka. And more dangerous than a man with too much power. I like that. Would you like to accompany me? There is some things I have to deal with today, and I'd like it if you would keep me company."[/b] Ralthavar offered his hand to Ayaka, to see if she would be willing to accept his companionship. “Letting my mind wander during combat?” Ayaka repeated Fenris’s advice with sort of a humorous tone. She was defiantly letting her mind wander to dark, erotic places. It was all in good fun and excitement, throwing some adrenaline into the mix. No harm done, right? The kitsune silently cheered the rest of her classmates, nodding in approval when each of them struck a lethal move. This year’s first years looked more promising than the other classes, which seemed to be lacking in bodies and tact. Ayaka’s smile was suddenly weighed down into a frown beneath her flustered cheeks when Ruale popped into her mind. Ayaka acted rather surprised the orc had approached her after the battles and welcomed him with a warming smile. It was that type of smile you’d show a best friend, or a hero that had saved your life. Without a beat of hesitation, she gracefully took his hand. It was on the large side and rough in some places but it oozed warmth and protection – He was a leader, after all. “It’s settled then. I shall be your company, Mr. Marchosias. Your entrance with your orcs was rather grand, I do hope the griffons treated you better than mine did. What affairs must you deal with today?” [b]"The griffons were magnificent. Not many of my orcs knew how to ride flying beast, but they fared well enough. At some point today I'll have to find the Headmaster and Headmistress and speak to them about my people. As you may not know, many of my orcs have taken it upon themselves to begin constructing buildings around the school with materials they can scavenge. Back in Lucis, it's a natural things for us orcs to do, as we were nomadic and must be able to create shelter with whatever nature had to offer, be it fallen trees, loose dirt, or heavy snow. But I know this is not Lucis, but old habits die hard. I hope to speak to the Headmasters to allow my orcs to continue their construction, or at least to keep what they have created so far, so that they could feel more at home here."[/b] Ralthavar led Ayaka outside of the gymnasium and they were hit by a blast of cold winter air. Raltahvar tighten the shirt on his body, somewhat regretting not putting on his fur robes instead of these earthling clothes. Raltahvar was uncertain if Ayaka would fare any better, so he let go of her hand to take out his staff. [b]"One moment. Something to deal with this weather."[/b] Channeling the power of the priest through the skull, Ralthavar used the spell "Endure Elements" which would allow him and Ayaka to feel less uncomfortable in the cold winter air. Once he cast his spells he continued to walk with Ayaka. [b]"So tell me more about your Ayaka. I imagine that you are not merely a human, as most Earthlings are, yet I do not know if you are from Lucis. You certainly look human, but I can sense something more amazing within you."[/b] “Thank you. Mages are truly vital. I’m sure the headmaster would not mind the building. Even if he did, I would not wish to upset him. Happy students equal happy academies. Old habits really do die hard. There are things I couldn’t do, whether I did or did not ask for head master’s permission.” Ayaka lingered on the memories where she manipulated, tortured, and twisted the humans of Japan, leading some criminals to their worst nightmare and others to their grave. She quickly caught on that there was no way in hell she could manage that here, the “prey” here would never be helpless or squirm like a strangling animal. The cold winter air carried tiny snowflakes about them, sticking to the unruly mess of Ayaka’s blonde hair. She wondered if the weather disapproved of the academies ending the lesson, speeding up the winds so they’d cut through her barely-there clothes and reddening her sharp cheek bones. Raul’s spell came with perfect timing, before she had wasted the energy in order to shift into an animal with fur and hope the orc did not mind. Mishka, her pet, quickly decided to ditch the couple and depart to Ayaka’s dorm, free from snow. She watched as the silver fox disappeared into the light blizzard when Ralth’s curiosity pulled a sweet giggle from her. “You are… correct. I’m not a true human or animal but I’m some creature of its own kind. A beast with intelligence that has the ability to surpass even the smartest , a beast that has coexisted and manipulated willing and unwilling humans and human spirits for centuries. I don’t mean the intelligence thing in a bluffing matter. I mean look at me.” She pauses with a cheesy smile, noticeably stepping closer to the orc where his own body warmth would touch her. “That’s only for the ones who’ve been around longer than forever. I guess you could call me a fox but the correct terminology is a kitsune. Might you know what those are? And while you’re at that, would you mind eventually showing me around your own dorm? Orc builds do interest me greatly.” Ralthavar smirked as Ayaka moved closer to him. He knew that his spell would have kept her warm, but he also knew she was closer for more... Intimate reasons. Though what she said before did pique his interest. Has she done something... Under the table? Perhaps she would tell him later, once they knew each other more. Instead he focused on Ayaka's lesson on the "Kistune", a foreign word to him. [b]"I do not know the term Kitsune, but back at my country of Malakaus, we had various intelligent beasts. Some could take the form of men and orcs to cause strife among the populace. Many were revered as gods, and they certainly had the power to back it up. However..."[/b] Ralthavar took a few steps ahead of Ayaka and gave her a warm smile. [b]"Of all those beasts, you are the only one worthy of praise."[/b] Before Ralthavar would hear any of Ayaka's remarks he showed her where he had been taking her; the Ice Fort the orcs made. Despite being made in only one day, it was a veritable building and definitely a fortress. Its snow-packed walls were three feet thick and even an open flame wouldn't melt through them, at least not without spending a lot of time and fuel. The orcs saw Ralthavar approach and opened the gates. Or rather, they opened the wall; they had no gates and used magic to allow others entry. From the sound of it there was already a lot of student gathered, and not all of them orcs, surprisingly enough. Sure enough once inside Ralthavar saw many of his orcs as well as some non-orcs, mostly humans and elves. It was a start. [b]"I'm afraid my dormitory is rather plain since I've yet to really put much effort into decorating it, however I hope you will enjoy our humble fortress."[/b] Around him the orcs and others were hanging out and just talking to one another. There were various marked areas were orcs or other students were fighting each other, with healers and referees near by to treat injuries or prevent death. Most of the fighters weren't even orcs, but other humans brawling with each other with their fist. There was a pair of fighters on a raised platform using weapons, but the magical glow to them by some orcs on the side told Ralthavar that the weapons have been blessed to do nonlethal damage. Ralthavar thought to perhaps join in the revelry, but first he wanted to show Ayaka around. [b]"As you can see, we orcs enjoy fighting. It was all we had back at home, and it gave us purpose. Traditionally after we set up our walls and ensure we have a solid hold on our new lands, we create these combat pavilions as you can see. We cannot grow soft, less we lose our homes we worked so hard for, and plus it's fun to get into scraps with one another. We would also honor the memories of the lost by putting their weapons, or replicas of them if we cannot find them, on the roof of the pavilions, at least if they have not been given to others. Aside from that, we keep the pavilions clear to ensure that the fighters have a clear area to battle one another. There are simply pavilions that sometimes do not even have roofs, often just temporary areas to do bouts or for younger fighters. But often we will have at least one Grand Pavilion where one can fight against the strongest, or where entire groups can do battle with one another. Some of the Grand Pavilions are large enough to stage fortress battles!"[/b] Ralth laughed heartily as he showed Ayaka the battle grounds. The next location Ralth showed Ayaka looked to be some sort of field kitchen, stuffed with orcs running about with plates and pots of food. [b]"Food is also important to our people, for obvious reasons. Notably we orcs cannot be picky with out food; our life style did not support farming or settling down for longer than a few years, so we had to learn to eat whatever we could find. And I will not lie to you; cannibalism was a common and respected practice back than, and even now some of the orcs who chose to live nomadic continue the tradition of eating the dead. But that was in the past. Once my people were able to fight off the threats of nature and the world, they began to develop a more civilized palate. That is not to say that they began to eat only domesticated animals or such; instead we continued to eat whatever scraps we could find, but also refined them into something more... Elegant. Many of the orc dishes back at home would mainly consist of roots and common flora. A particularly large and starving clan of orcs could strip a forest into nothing but dirt and rocks. In light of this, my people have created a cooking method that makes the bitter and largely inedible trees and plants of the forest into something softer, and nutritious. Meat is also a big part of an orcs growth, but we do not limit it to just flesh off of bones. We often eat the bones as well, if we do not repurpose them into tools or weapons. Organs are also valued by orc chefs, as they provide more nutrients than just the flesh, and often more flavor as well. In particular, we consume the brains of the things we kill; the fat is their heads are vital for orc hunters who are expected to leave the safety of the clan for long periods of time. We consider the brain to carry the life of all beings, and to ensure our continued life we eat the brains of our prey and our enemies."[/b] Of course, the food being served by the orcs were not quite so grotesque. The orcs seemed to have taken advantage of the school's willingness to give them free food, and thus have been ordering whole creatures to butcher and cook. Steaks and choice cuts were being roasted over a roaring flame, while soups made of various herbs and spices were boiled, and even exotic juices were being squeezed and mixed. Ralthavar noted that despite his orders, they also set up various microbreweries. He could smell the thick scent of alcohol waft through the air and immediately told the brewmasters to cut off their supply immediately. [b]"I told you no stills until I've spoken to the Headmasters! Who is responsable for this!?"[/b] Shortly after making the scene the breweries were put on hold. Ralthavar allowed them to remain, however he had the orcs dump out the contents and fill the caskets with milk. This would help wash them out, and if they aren't allowed to have alcohol on school grounds, they could make cheese instead. [b]"I apologize for that. In addition to meals, we also venerate alcohol. The water back at home was not safe to drink, but the ancient orcs learned how to purify the water into what we call "Grog", made from fungus. This not only gave the orcs a source of water to drink, but also prevented other creatures from taking our water or infecting it with their diseases. For some, it was a poison, but for the orcs it was our lifeblood. Even now I'm hesitant on actually [i]not[/i] having grog as it's a common drink for us orcs, as it gives us passion and energy."[/b] The chefs offered Ralthavar and Ayaka some food, though Ralthavar passed it down, mentioning that he already ate. Ralthavar led Ayaka into the fortress walls. Though the walls were tightly packed, being that they were made of ice they made the air rather frigidly cold. Luckily Ralthavar's spell was still in effect, however he took the time to head to a room with a large hearth and got himself and Ayaka some fur coats. [b]"This is what we call the Warm Room, or the Hearth Room. Fire has symbolic meaning to the orcs, such as home, creation, and life. We use fire to keep us warm in the winter, and with fire we learned how to shape stone into metal. With fire we can cook our food and defend our families, so fire is often a good thing for us. A Warm Room represents this. Here orcs would come together around the hearth for each other's company, often to speak of the day's events or to recover from everyday stress. Fighting is typically forbidden in the Warm Room, at least physically. It's still considered dishonorable to have arguments, as the Warm room is suppose to represent peace, however others see that the Warm Room also represents... Passion and strong emotions. We do at least consider actual combat to be reserved for the Pavilions."[/b] Ralthavar went over to the hearth to warm himself. His spell only made sure that neither him nor Ayaka would suffer from the cold winds, and being near the fire actually made them warm and for Ralthavar, comfortable and peaceful. They stayed for a short while before Ralthavar led Ayaka to a considerable more noisy part of the fortress. Here the walls were less ice and more stone, with a much more violent flame, however this one wasn't for relaxation. [b]"Here is what we call the Creation Chamber, or the forge. This is were the "Creation" part of fire comes in. Orcs learned the might of fire when survivors of a mountain clan saw fire melt their homes into molten slag, but when they returned found that they could not shape the stone as it once had before. Where others may have thought their home would have been forever lost, the orcs saw this as a learning experience and the true strength of fire; it's ability to change and strengthen even the stone we stand on. And thus we learn of the creation of metal, which many historians consider the turning point in which the orcs would finally be able to take over the wilds and settle down. In a community, a Forge Master is a title given to either the founder of a settlement, or one who provides the most aid to the community. A forge master could create many masterwork blades within a day, and when they enter battle their armament would be able to challenge gods. Indeed, my country, Malakaus, was named after the Forge Master who created the Rhoka using the essence of the god who created the orcs, to slay the demon god who ruled us at that time. Which leads us to the next room."[/b] Ralthavar led Ayaka to the final, mostly complete chamber of the fortress. Like the previous room, instead of ice the walls, ceiling, and floor was made of stone, with a large flaming brazier as it's center piece. There was a crude symbol above the brazier which depicted as a sort of mountain range that, thanks to the illusion of fire, could also appear to be a roaring flame. [b]"Life. Or rather, religion; the orcs believe that we came from the Dirt Godess Xia. She is also known as the Matriach of the Earth, Gaia, the Nature's Embrace, and the Goddess of Growth. Unlike the other gods of Lucis, she was not an all powerful one; she was considered a land god, meaning that her powers were limited only to a certain plot of land, which while massive, was initially barren and inhospitable. Despite this Xia aimed to turn the land into a place were only the strong were worthy of living. She created the nature to be hostile and dangerous; they fed off one another and all those who would dare challenge it. this brought the attention of various other races, but Xia made her lands much too hostile; no one could ever settle in those lands, and many chose to live elsewhere. Xia than tried to create creatures who would help hold back the forces of nature, however they themselves became a new menace, one that would occasionally leave her lands and reign havoc upon other counties in Lucis. Finally, Xia decided that if none of the mortals would willingly follow her, she would create her own followers. And so she created the Orchid. The Orchids were four different races. First and most common were the orcs. Second were goblins, than Ogres, and finally trolls. Orcs were the main followers of Xia and the most numerous. They created various tribes and clans across the land, and unlike the other races who would leave for calmer places, the orcs remained to fight back against the creatures Xia made for them, thriving until they would be overwhelmed and forced to move to where the monsters were not. Goblins are a cousin to the orcs. They lack an orcs strength, but they are just as numerous and have a higher tendency for intellectual pursuits. Goblins often worked with orcs to plan the actions of their clans, assist in construction, and generally ensure that everything was thought out ahead of time instead of simply done during the moment. Goblins were also one of the first of the orchid race to actually create settlements, albeit they moved underground away from most of Xia's monsters. Ogres were larger cousins of the orcs, and vastly more powerful physically. They were often a match for the monsters Xia would have created, and indeed some were much stronger. However there were very few ogres and not many had the desire to have children, and slowly they began to die out. Only recently have the number of ogres began to steadily begin to rise, and that's simply because the orcs have decided they are too valuable to die out. And finally, there are the trolls. Something of a... Black sheep. Trolls are closer to beasts to the Orchid species. While they too travel in clans and create settlements, unlike the orcs who have chosen to settle down and create relationships with other races peacefully, the trolls are almost always hostile, or at least violently territorial. They have much higher birthrates than orcs and are very hardy to boot, however their lifestyles would nearly always ensure that their numbers are being thinned out to a nearly equal rate that they breed, making them the third largest race of the Orchid species."[/b] Ralthavar went over to a pile of timber and threw a small bundle of wood into the brazier, cause the flames to rise. This also changed the image of the symbol from a mountain range to a roaring flame. [b]"But that is not the only god that the orcs have chosen to worship. There is another one, a powerful demon called Karnage. He is the Patriach of Corruption, the Defiler, the Father of the fallen, the Demon God-King, Overlord of Destruction. Unlike Xia, he only became worshiped recently, and even so his relationship with the orchid people is highly contested. Karnage sought the power of the gods to rule his own lands, but on his own he was a mere peon. He than laid his eyes upon Xia, who despite creating the orcs, was considered a minor godess at best. He... Defeated her, and raped her to give her his taint, which allowed him to further overpower her and take away her powers. This, in turn, gave him everything that Xia had created thus far, including her land and the orchid. Thanks to Karnage, the orcs were able to take over the wilds, pushing back the monsters and beast that once preyed upon them to a near extinction. They took over lands and learned the power of fire to create metal and for destruction. They forced goblins to become slaves, made ogres into beast of burdens, and took advantage of troll's violent existence and turned them into a veritable war machine. Karnage had his orcs leave the land of Xia and fight the other kingdoms of the elves, dwarves, and humans. For nearly fifty years they fought. It was years of conflict and war, one that the orcs showed no signs of stopping or slowing down. Indeed, if the orcs under Karnage's control were smart and attacked each nation one-by-one instead of all at once, they may have actually won. But this fault was intended by none other than Xia. She knew that she was powerless due to Karnage's taint, but there was one last thing she could do. She contacted a mere soldier in Karnage's orcish army, an orc named Malakaus. She used what little of her power to free Malakaus from Karnage's influence, and gave him the power he would need to free other orcs from Karnage's power as well. Slowly, the tide of war began to change. Malakaus used his freedom from Karnage to seek assistance from the other three races. They did not know it, but the orcs were merely slaves of the demon god. Malakaus petitioned for their assistance to free the orcs from the demon's control, and promised that he would make the orcs pay restitution for all the wars at war. However, neither the elves nor dwarves accepted this deal, at least not as a whole. Only the human kingdoms agreed to assist Malakaus, and so they gave him an army of humans to face Karnage's orcs. Malakaus than led the humans to key locations around Karnage's lands, to disrupt his control of the orchid people. Soon Karnage's control over the orchid people began to crumble, forcing him to employ the service of demons. And while the demons were vastly more powerful than the orcs individually, by this point the orchid race had finally managed to gather together to put an end to Karnage's reign of terror. Xia, using the last of her godly powers, imbued her energy into a natural ore which Malakaus shaped into the now legendary sword of Rhoka. With this blade, Malakaus led the combined force of the Orchid people and the humans who helped him against Karnage's army. Despite having the powers of a god, the orchid people slew his army, and Malakaus himself cleaved Karnage into twain, thus freeing the orcs from his evil influence. But Karnage did not die without leaving one final scar. Just as Xia did, Karnage used his dying energy to create a horrible cataclysm known as "The Scourge". A large ravine that splits the land in half, where demons are free to come and go, and where those without proper protection would become corrupted and insane monsters."[/b] Soon a few orcs entered the room, bowing their heads at Ralthavar and Ayaka before taking a few sticks, throwing them into the brazier, and began to chant something in a low voice. Ralthavar escorted Ayaka out to let them worship in piece. He didn't realize it, but it was starting to get late. At least an hour must have passed, as Ralthavar's "Endure Elements" spell only lasted and hour and he could feel it's effects wear off. At least he and Ayaka had these fur coats, though he was suppose to give them back to the fort for others. Seeing that he was the leader, he figured he could make an exception this one time. [b]"Dammit. Sorry Ayaka, I lost track of time. It's rather late now, eh?"[/b] Once outside the fortress, the night sky was illuminated by stars. In the courtyard, most of the orcs and their friends were gone, leaving only a small handful who presumably were going to stay behind to serve as guards. [b]"We should head back to our dorms before curfew. With any luck, we'll run into the headmasters along the way."[/b] Ralth’s and Ayaka’s conversations were halted by the glorious appearance of a ice fort build on the grounds of the campus. One could almost name it a caste, for its size and sturdiness match up way beyond a fort. The kitune’s rosy lips parted with awe as all incoming (and taunting) words were silenced with a gasp and for those few moments, the fort seemed to swallow her petite human figure up. She likely would have stood behind the orc’s leaders if it wasn’t for the winds and sights freezing her legs in place. Nothing or no one could get in or out without the permission of the residence. If somebody wanted to build a jail that left no leeway to escape, Ralth and his orcs were the ones to ask. Ayaka squeezed her hands into fists after taking a deep breath, internally laughing upon her claustrophobic attitude. No, this place was lively, vast, and most of all reminded her of [i] home[/i], home with nature. “T-this is amazing, far from plain. I’m confident it’s going to put the other dorms to shame.” She stuttered, blinking quickly a few times after forgetting to—it was like her eyes didn’t want to miss a second of this either while following him inside. Ayaka eyed the lethal looking, dangerous glowing weapons while subconsciously drifting in a slight path away from them due to her wary nature, into Ralth. He didn’t seem worried about it, she thought while taking in his expression from the corner of his eye. Did orcs kill other orcs for fun? She shook away the uneducated guess. [i] She [/i] was the one who could kill for fun, anyway. “I do hope to see you in face someone in the grand pavilion one day. You give every used weapon a story it seems. And when their owner has fallen, the weapon’s time for rest has came too.” She spoke in a resonating manner, deciding to give some input on a kitsune’s culture with each room as well. “We do not tend to use weapons. We prefer to lure men upon men in bed and make deals through that. Some come out prosperous while others…are not so lucky. You could say I’m not a part of that crowd. I’ve left the deal making to the battle field.” Ayaka envied the numerous ways they utilized their prey’s body. Every piece had its place in the orc culture whereas the Kitsune would’ve turned her nose to to items such as brains, intestines, and the liver. Perhaps she could have a try at those things later but her stomach did not seem to welcome all the sights of the foods in the kitchen. She kept her eyes on the particularly delicious looking things, which of course did look as ten times as delicious as the school cafeteria. Her mouth watered slightly at the various seasonings and perfectly cooked meat wafting through the air. Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment, only to peel open at the sound of Ralth condemning the brewmasters. The kitsune lingered there awkwardly, unsure if this dispute would require her departure. Ralth soon returned to her with a apology and a responsible alibi. “Ah. Psh. Bring your drink to class. A little poison wouldn’t hurt every now and then. I’m sure Fenris will enjoy the offer. Rumor has it that he threw Varren out the window… Ah…Kitsune food. They’re very versitle creature, some divisions in the species do feed off of lust. I heard it has an amazing flavor.” The tone of her last sentence rubbed off in a provocative manner but the couple carried on to the fortress walls without more to say on that topic. The fire room brought welcomed warmth to the kitsune. The room had the air of respect about it since intensive relations were unwelcome here. If Ralth had suddenly disappeared in midair, she probably would have napped to bask in the peacefulness and warmth before going to retrieve him- this by far, was her most favorite room. She hug the fur coat made from elk to her slender sides- with the exchange of culture her, it was time for her short piece during the time they stayed. “Unfortunately, Kitsunes normally flee from fires. In the older times, it is true fire represent life for them as well. But it represented life in great numbers. Numbers who normally harmed and hunted down the Kitsunes sucking the life force from their people. It meant death.” Ayaka released a half-assed smile, obviously pained by a few memories. “But it’s okay. It’s the first time I’ve enjoyed fire and I will cherish it for there’s no reason to fear. Perhaps I’ll make the first and the finest kitsune forage master, one day. Kitsunes normally do not alter nature in anyway. If there a structures in the wild, it was surely made by someone else. Our food can be eaten raw. As a matter of fact, our bodies do prefer that. I normally suck it up and stick with the cooked foods in the past in order to stay hidden within the human civilization. Some cultures do revere kitsunes with 9-tails goddesses because the possess the omniscience trait. We brave the weather well. Considering we have only lived in the areas without snow. As of right now, I really do thank your for the coat and you and your orc’s hospitality. The idea of the fox as seductress and the connection of the fox myths to Buddhism were introduced into Japanese folklore through similar Chinese stories, but she maintains that some fox stories contain elements unique to Japan. We cannot credit a god for creating us. No one 100% knows the story behind our creation. One of the oldest surviving kitsune tales provides a widely known folk etymology of the word kitsune.Unlike most tales of kitsune who become human and marry human males, this one does not end tragically: Ono, an inhabitant of Mino (says an ancient Japanese legend of A.D. 545), spent the seasons longing for his ideal of female beauty. He met her one evening on a vast moor and married her. Simultaneously with the birth of their son, Ono's dog was delivered of a pup which as it grew up became more and more hostile to the lady of the moors. She begged her husband to kill it, but he refused. At last one day the dog attacked her so furiously that she lost courage, resumed vulpine shape, leaped over a fence and fled" "You may be a fox," Ono called after her, "but you are the mother of my son and I love you. Come back when you please; you will always be welcome." So every evening she stole back and slept in his arms. Because the fox returns to her husband each night as a woman but leaves each morning as a fox, she is called Kitsune. Kitsune are believed to possess superior intelligence, long life, and magical powers. They are a type of yōkai, or spiritual entity, and the word kitsune is often translated as fox spirit. However, this does not mean that kitsune are ghosts, nor that they are fundamentally different from regular foxes. Because the word spirit is used to reflect a state of knowledge or enlightenment, all long-lived foxes gain supernatural abilities.[4]There are two common classifications of kitsune. The zenko (literally good foxes) are benevolent, celestial foxes associated with the god Inari; they are sometimes simply called Inari foxes. On the other hand, the yako (literally field foxes, also called nogitsune) tend to be mischievous or even malicious. I suppose you could say each kitsune owns an element thy control well.” Ayaka’s monologue came to an end as orcs entered and begun to worship. She laughed heavily, shaking her head. “No, no. forgive me for running my mouth longer than you have. But forgive me aswell, for asking this question. May the very last place we visit be [i]your[/i] dorm? Maybe. I really do have the appearance of a throne in my head, seeing as you do such have a grand place.” Ayaka’s eyes shined as brightly as the stars. If the stars all died, maybe she’d be a fine replacement for them. Her smile was joyful from the amazing time she had on the tour. Ralth chuckled as Ayaka asked her peculiar question. [b]"Aye, it is getting late. Sure. I'll show you my dorm, though I'll warn you now; it's not that impressive."[/b] Ralthavar took Ayaka out of the fortress and they both headed back to their dormitories. Many of the students were loitering about but Ralthavar didn't pay much attention to any of them. He simply lead Ayaka to his humble, largely undecorated room. It was plain as could be; the only real notable decor being his cloth sack that carried most of his clothes. [b]"I'd imagine that over time, this room will be adorned with trophies and proof of my success. But for now it is just a room, plain and bare. Ralthavar went over to his bed and sat down on it. It was a fairly eventful day, all things considered. While note really tired, to remove his clothing and to crawl underneath his bedsheets was a very tempting offer. But there was still the matter of Ayaka. [b]"So tell me, Ayaka. Do you like what you have seen so far?"[/b] Ayaka gave the interior a long glance over, lingering on the orc’s necessities. Her own dorm wasn’t much more colorful than this, minus the picture she painted of Mishka framed on her wall. Her bed covers were also more fit for a woman than a manly orc, as expected if you didn’t use the monotone covers the academy provide. She grinned at Ralth gently, tenderly setting on the other side of the bed, far enough so that she would not invade his personal space. “Of course. Your culture is overwhelming in a good sense, plus you’ve brought it here for the students to look upon and see that you are more than what’s portray in Earth’s modern books. It is difficult to pick out what I did not like so I shall tell you what I liked the most on this lovely, frost biting day. I think it’s this sight.” Ralthavar had to take a moment to register what Ayaka said. He was laying on his bed dressed in earthling clothes, but still had his fur coat around his shoulders. He had done a bit of research of what the Earthlings thought of orcs. He was rather astonished at how similar the Earthling's perception of orcs are to the live styles of the orcs of Lucis. Very uncanny, but at the same time, not one that Ralthavar was entirely thrilled to cultivate. Orcs, in the eyes of the Earthlings, were savage boar-men who would rape, pillage, and burn the settlements of other races, and ultimately the world. And for a while, that was true under Karnage's rule. To change that notion was why Ralthavar was here. And yet... It was so tempting to simply give into that image. It was desirable. Something that even Ralthavar would have no trouble supporting, should he find others who thought the same as him. No, what he had to do now, just as Malakaus had done, would be to think differently from the horde. An independent person who'd be willing to go against stereotypes. It was much harder than Ralthavar would admit. The other thing that Ralthavar only began to realize was that Ayaka had complimented him. He had been showering her with praise, as he is want to do, and he took her compliments about his people with humility. But for her to actually be impressed with him? He had very little idea what to do with that. But no self-respecting orc would merely allow a lack of experience make him hesitant. Rathalvar sat up and wrapped his fur coat around Ayaka, to warm them both as well as to be physically closer to her. [b]"There is much more to me than meet's the eyes, Ayaka. Perhaps we could spend the night together... See more of each other."[/b] Ayaka did not dream or think of partaking of things of mature nature for humanly lust reasons but simply because it was built into her nature. Kitsunes were built to be irresistible, a part of every man’s sin they’d cross. It was not uncommon for the species to orchestrate orgies daily. Many of them fell in the the Kitsune’s web but she did not wish do manipulate Ralth, only being drove to heating up their conversations as time went by. She pressed the fur coat to her chest, bring herself to a stand in front of the orc’s mirror, leaning over a table as well . Simultaneously, she shifted her weight and brought her hips to the right side with a space a little larger than the stance she normally stood with, as if she wanted to show off one of her most prized possession to everyone in all sides in the room. But no, this show was for ralth’s eyes (and any unknown peeping eyes) alone. One of Ayaka’s dark eyes met with the orc in the mirror momentarily when she turned a blushing cheek to her, with her front teeth digging into her bottom lip as she blinked once slowly, The kitsune was toying with him! “Why do you clothe me when your orc nature wishes to do the opposite?” Ralthavar followed Ayaka off his bed and stood behind her as she went to his mirror. Gently he placeds his hands around her waist and held her close to his body. [b]"Isn't it obvious? Before I may make you mines, I wish to... Challenge you."[/b] Ralthavar laughed gently as he leaned onto Ayaka to kiss her before she could speak. “Challenge me?” Ayaka remarked smoothly, her lustful glare devoring his intentions by tilting her head at the last moment so his kiss would land on her cheek. “ What is this challenge you speak of?” She question, never breaking the sexual tension in the air. As a matter of fact, her next move kicked the levels up a notch. The sly woman, keeping her original potion, placed one foot slighy behind the other, as if she were shifting her weight again. No doubt he’d feel the pressures of her toned thigh against his manhood because she surely did. It was rounded, and heavy, with large veins pulsing with the blood that craved to rape, pillage, and burn. For a split second, Ayaka’s emotion morphed into shock , the type that would light up your eyes before quickly leaving. The hand supporting her chin as she leaned moved cover her mouth with a few fingers, swallowing that gasp that almost left her throat. [b]"Shh..."[/b] Ralthavar leaned in to grasp Ayaka's hand. It was soft, but he held it firmly, as though he was handling a small creature. [b]"This is my challenge to you. To be able to tame the animals within ourselves. The beast within you... And the monster in me."[/b] As Ralthavar held onto Ayaka's hand he moved it to his mouth, kissing her palm. Slowly, his other hand began to undo the straps of the fur coat around her shoulders. [b]"What say you, Ayaka? Can you rise to my challenge?"[/b] “You do play your words well, orc. It serves you well. I could never back down I challenge I will win, nor back away from a man such as your own.” The kitsune’s hand remained limp until he’d alter the places of her straps, when she intertwines her fingers with his own, squeezing his hand a little tighter than he held her own. Ayaka tilts her chin up so that her lips may connect with his chin. She chuckled silently, kissing both of the corners of his lips, lingering a bit longer on the left corner until her lips would hover over the middle of his. “After all, this is what this academy is for, challenge upon challenge. I accept yours.” Ralthavar smiled silently as Ayaka accepted his challenge. Holding her close in his embrace, Ralthavar and Ayaka walked back towards the his bed. Falling backwards, the two students copulated with each other that night. The heat and passion of that night will remain in the memories of the two for the times to come.[/hider] [hider=Day 5 - The Headmaster's Office] As prestigious and glamorous as the academy was, the headmaster's office was less to show. Similar in appearance to an overly decored medieval room. Circular in formation with a desk placed near its back, before a hearth eminating soothing warmth. Unlike the fireplace's calming demeanor, the rest of the room looked more serious, a place of worth and importance. Even though it was small in general, it was still the base of operations for the headmaster of the grand institution. Whilst the headmistress jotted down annotations, the headmaster dictated what should be taking form on the paper. At times he snuck in double entendres and sly references, which rewarded him with being threatened by his very own fireplace. [b]"He should be here soon, correct?"[/b] The headmaster took a moment to respond, his crystal remained dim until it suddenly jumped to life. [b][u]"...Huh?"[/u][/b] The women mentally facepalmed and held the cane over the fire once more. After a few cries of foregiveness, she retracted the headmaster's embodiment. [b]"Mr. Marchosias should be arriving soon. We'll be discussing matters pertaining to his lot's new... development."[/b] The gem gave a blink of acknowledgement, awaiting for the first year to step through those doors. He was aware that the orcs were magnificent builders, and showed the upmost productivity in physical labor. They could be put to a good use, most definitely. [b[u]]"...So about that swim club?"[/u][/b] There was a knock on the door. On the otherside was Ralthavar. He wore a version of his school uniform that he had altered to suit his taste, including adding additional armor and straps to carry his equipment. Currently he had only his staff on his person, his other weapons left back at his dormitory. [b]"It's me Ralthavar Marchosias. May I come in?"[/b] [b][u]"No, no, no, that's hot! Erm, come i- ow, that burns!"[/u][/b] As the door creaked open, the headmistress rose the cane from a fiery demise, regaining a more composed appearance. The woman looked the orc over, analyzing the supposed leader of the horde. So, this was the man in charge of the wannabee fort builders? Though he appeared mature, he was a first year nonetheless, and his judgement must be taken with a pinch of salt. The headmaster cleared his throat, attempting to reestablish his assertive standing in the conversation. [b][u]"Ah, yes, Mr. Marchosias. We stopped by your... fort yesterday. A very generous student relayed a message for us, and we can see it went through to its receiver. That's good. So, may I hazard to guess, but why did you construct a fort in the first place? There's a dormitory literally a few hundred meters away. Though, I'm sure any illegal contraband would be disallowed..."[/u][/b] He trailed off, the headmistress turned the cane a few degrees, narrowing the pinnacle of its gem to Ralth. Ralth merely smiled as the gem spoke. He still had a hard time beleiving that the headmaster was a glorified rock, but stranger things could have happened. The headmaster wanted to know the reason why the orcs constructed the fortress in the first place. A fair question. Ralthavar wasn't going to bore them with history, so he'll give them the practical awnser. [b]"It is because my orcs are a rowdy, often violent people. But they are not fools. They know that their brand of entertaiment won't be welcomed around more mild-manner students. We fight with one another, cause a lot of noise, and in all honesty, part take in the likes of alcohol and narcotics for recreational purposes. We are not a peaceful people, and we like the revelry. But we do not wish to impose ourselves on the other students, so we isolated ourselves away from them, so that we may do as we wish without forcing others to partake or clean up after us. The fort represents a home for the orcs. A place were we can be orcs, in their truest form, instead of having to maintain the mask of civility. Our own den of iniquity."[/b] Ralthavar took a moment to think about it, and also gave a fairly blunt and practical awnser for why they also built the fort. [b]"Additionally, most of the orcs simply thought it would be cool to build our own fort on school grounds, in case we ever had to do some sort of school-wide battle or some such. Some students might barricade themselves in the libary or set up crude fortifications in the corners of hallways, but we orcs are always ready for a battle, anywhere and all the time."[/b] Ralthavar smiled politely as he finished speaking. Albeit his race and its nature, the young man spoke with such kindness and refused to sugar coat the words which he uttered. It just warmed the headmaster's... [i]heart[/i]. He bluntly confessed to using contraband, though laws on such items weren't exactly enforced to such extents as they were on Earth. The Black Gale was completely separate from both the traditional world of Lucis and the more futuristic blue globe. He would let it slide, as long as those under the influence didn't go around bashing school property. The gem vibrantly glowed, the elderly voice took a deep breath as he pieced together his thoughts. [b][u]"I'm fully aware of how your people act, given the complaints of quite the plethora of dormers, listening to some boisterous drunken chants. And machine gun fire, which I guess the source is that rooskie, right? Anyways, we have no qualms with the fort in general, as long as you keep those who aren't... completely present in the noggin, within its walls. Oh, and since its on the outskirts, it would most likely be attacked first in an assault. Unless if we were assaulted on the opposite end of the campus, then we would gladly protect our students under blocks of ice. Now, I've found a way for both of us to go home happy."[/u][/b] The last words ended off with a cheery tone, before the man continued on with the terms of their covenant. [b][u]"Well, we need more workers, who can perform common, laborious tasks. I personally believe those under your command will prove to be very pertentious in such a line of work. Better yet, you will be provided a suitable wage, and will be allowed to retain your fort and its entailed activities. Just turn down the volume a bit, or have your architects fashion some noise-proof walls of ice. Keep the annoyance in, keep the complaints out. That's the way I like it. Now, do we have a deal?"[/u][/b] Ralthavar stroke his chin. If he had a beard this would have looked more wise, but alas he did not. But the headmaster was allowing the fort, and in a roundabout way, also allowed his orcs to continue their more self-destructive activities. This pleased Ralthavar, but he knew he could squeeze some more. The Headmaster wanted to use Ralthavar's orcs for menial labor, no doubt something they'd be able to do, however they were students as well. He could not simply force them all to abandon their studies for money. Still... If he could bring more of the orcs back from Lucis, perhaps they could balance out the amount of orcs going into the labor force and the amount of orcs attending the academy. [b]"It sounds like an excellent arrangement, Headmaster. I only have one request in turn. That my orcs would be allowed to construct further around the academy, as well as to make use of the academy's resources for our construction projects. Our fortress is merely the beginning of many buildings we may construct on behalf of the academy. If your premission, we can do much more, better."[/b] If the headmaster had an eyebrow, or any facial expressions for that matter, he would be raising the bush of hair. [b][u]"...Since you are on the outskirts of the campus, there is a forest nearby. We haven't take the chance to expand into it, as we've seen no reason to do. I believe this is a golden opportunity for your group to expand. As for resources, you will have to chat with the teachers and clubs in control of them. Though there is an abundance, they are still under possession. You will need to submit every order you desire to me, and I will clear it if I see fit. How does that sound?"[/u][/b] [b]"These terms are acceptable. Thank you for your hospitality, Headmaster."[/b] Ralthavar bowed his head at the headmaster and headmistress. Before he turned to leave he looked at the two, contemplating their relationship with one another. They were a strange pair. [b]"If there is nothing else you need from me, I must return to my people and inform them of the news."[/b] Ralthavar turned around and exited the Headmaster's office. He'll also have to preapre some spells. He had a feeling the Harmonious First are going to have a really large powwow once he comes back with the good news.[/hider]