I don't know if you entirely understood my opening post. Let me start by saying two things, first, I have to deny this app. Second, I still like your character. Most of the problem comes from the fact that you invented a new school of magic. I would like to see you go back and fix this so I'll give you a breakdown of what needs to be changed, like I said I like your character and I think this came primarily from misunderstanding so take none of this personally. The magic - magic is not ran via mana pool like your CS implied. There was an ancient artifact known as the obelisk which channeled energy between the world of the living and the world of the dead, this energy was manipulated via the use of catalysts. When te obelisk was destroyed these catalysts retained some of the energy that they channeled and thus can be used today, however no new catalysts can be made since they won't have the energy from the obelisk inside of them. The school of magic you created would not be possible due to the way magic works in this world and in addition to that I posted a list of all available schools of magic that a character can pursue without the presence of the obelisk in the world. The Bloody Marshes - I don't know where on the map you planned on this being but I didn't put it there and you didn't run the idea by me first so at this point unless you discuss it with me this area is not canon. The order - I would be okay with characters creating orders such as this but once again if it's not mentioned in the lore then it should be run by me first. Magic proficiency - I can understand this one being confusing I didn't specify properly. Your proficiency is not your skill level it is the school in which you are primarily going to be practicing. As I said I love the character and I love player input, however it needs to be run by me first. If you want to play this character then all of the above stuff needs to either be changed or discussed with me. The school of magic you created however is not going to happen because I'd have to change the very aspects that make this worlds magic what it is in order for it to work. Also, I love the catalyst I'm glad you got creative with it.