[center]As the girl was surrounded and had ceased her attack, it grew very quiet for a long moment of time. Eyes flickered between Ruben and the girl, and the tension could be cut through with a sword. So, many were perplexed when Ruben burst into laughter. He couldn't help it. He held him stomach and howled loud cries of laughter, and the crew stood very confused. "Captain...?" Erekson asked, but it was another long moment before he could contain himself. "What is so funny, sir?" One of them asked. "It's... It's..." He began, though he just laughed again. He gestured to Claire, "It's a [i]girl![/i]" he grit out through his laughs. He couldn't help it. All this time, he was expecting to take a large, beefy man, maybe take him on his ship and cut off his hands and ears. But what was he supposed to do with a girl? He hadn't even considered this as an option. He finally caught his composure and took a deep breath, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes. "Oh, dear," he chuckled, moving towards the girl with a grin. "What are we to do with [i]you[/i]? Especially now that you've killed a crew member. You know what I usually do to people who kill off one from my crew?" He circled her, "Let me think. The last time, I do believe we chopped off his fingers and fed them to him," he mused. He looked down on the girl, nearly a tower over her. He quickly disarmed her, sending her sword flying across the cove. "But I'm not so sure. You have quite lovely hands. And I don't believe they'd preserve well if we took them from ya," he smirked, "Boys, what ya say we take her on the Deadly Serpent and figure out what ta do with'er?" He yelled out, and all the boys yelled in agreement. They went to grab her and pulled her to the ship.[/center]