[center]Once at the ship, the men tied the woman into a standing position at the post. Ruben watched in amusement, still finding much humor in the situation. Once they were finished tying her, Ruben walked towards her. She was quite lovely, he noted. He didn't want to torture the lovely lass, but oh, he had to do something. "I've missed having a lovely young lass on me ship," He mused, circling her, "It'd be a shame to harm such a pretty girl." He said, finally coming in front of her again. He looked her over; she was a feisty one. And if this girl had been stealing from him and was as spirited as she seemed, she definitely needed to learn a lesson. "How be it you've been stealing me treasure, but when I've now returned, you're not wearing any of these gems I fought so hard fer?" He asked. "Let me fix that for ya," He grinned. From his satchel, he pulled out a golden tiara which he'd grabbed before they returned to the ship. Grinning ear to ear, he placed the tiara on her head before stepping back. "There, my dear," He mused, "You're the queen of fools!" He took a bow. The crew howled in laughter, and he chuckled before straightening out. "No one steals from me, missy. Only fools. So where be my treasure?" He asked, suddenly sounding very dark and grim.[/center]