Anderus' head tilted slowly, watching the two gargantuan creatures duking it out with a small smile, the reminder of the beasts of his home almost comforting as he watched the brutal dance they performed. Reluctantly, he dragged his eyes away from the battle and tightened the combat gloves that rested upon his forearms feeling the leather and steel bite his powerful form bringing him into focus. Eager to explore, his eyes fell upon the far trail leading towards the mountains, they weren't the Yaschas, and as such, held little desire to venture towards them. Turning slowly, he noted the small ramp leading away from the clash that was clearly drawing to a close with the Behemoth gaining the upper hand, he knew full well that even with his ability to hinder the beast, a fight against that creature alone would be a struggle on his own. As the monster stood on it's hind legs and swatted the Wyvern out of the sky, he was already cresting the ramp, completely oblivious to the observer that viewed him. With one last look behind at the scene, he stepped past a small outcrop of rock and came across what could only be described as a vast desert that stretched away into the distance and ending with a luscious forest on the other side "Where the hell am I?" he mused aloud before heading out across the Dalmascan Westersands(XII) his eyes locked firmly on the forest ahead as he broke into a swift run. [i]Some time later[/i] Having passed through the Dead Forest(IX), with it's petrified trees and monsters, he looked back, still seeing the expansive spire of the mysterious mountain, his brow knitting for a moment before a crashing within the trees he'd left caused him to look down once more, a hulking shadow nearing him, shaking his head, he turned and ran once more, his breath coming hard as he ventured forth in the direction of the city he knew he must reach.