Claire glared at the pirate. "I'm not a lass, you buffoon, I'm a woman." She said in a cold voice. She couldn't help but admire at how gorgeous he was, and he was. She kept her stare ahead even when he circled her. She wanted to comment on him calling her a girl but she decided to keep her mouth shut. Whenever she got out of these ropes she'd show him a lesson. "You are cruel and worthless, Pirate. But I guess what the villagers say is true- pirates are nothing but cold and heartless." She said, her voice dangerously low. She didn't move when he placed the tiara on her head. No doubt stolen from a royal, man this guys were stupid! She smiled when he asked where his treasure was. "Long gone now, pirate. You won't be seeing it again." She said, which she wasn't sure if it was true or not. She didn't know what they did with the coins whenever she'd make a payment on the house, nor was it any of her concern.