Faris had been up before the sun came out the morning of Halloween. Nightmares of the cold would wake her and she’d huddle further under her heavy blankets, end up sweating, and then find it ten times harder to return to the lull of her dreams. Under her eyes were faint dark circles from the last two nights of minimum sleep, ever since they’d been pulled out of Ate’s game. Each night she’d check her phone next to the bed to make sure she was where she was supposed to be, and the time, wishing it was morning yet. This morning she decided 5am was fine to wake up at, and slid out of bed. Pulling on sweats and a sports bra, tying her long brown hair up into a ponytail and pinning back her bangs before lacing up her sneakers, she left her eerily quiet cabin and began jogging around the camp. Her mind began mulling over random things, like how her brother had left and now the Ares cabin was rather lonely. About how she’d yet to really connect with any of the others. Though she knew she was cool with Gaspard, that was what, one person out of how many? Hopefully the party that was supposedly tonight would let her interact a bit more. Then again, some of the people here just plain annoyed her to death. She ran until she saw movement about the camp in the sunlight, and then just jogged back to her cabin. She showered and changed into her costume for the day, a [url= http://www.tencentticker.com/projectrooftop/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/tumblr_m3whqyjTKq1qa64bjo2_500-e1337704792112.jpg]Wonder Woman[/url] get up featuring a leather jacket, leggings, dark red corset with gold accents, faux metal arm bands, and a starred headpiece with combat boots to complete the appearance. Considering her long dark hair and curved figure the choice suited her, and she used a bit more makeup than usual especially under the eyes before reemerging from her cabin. She shifted the jacket on her shoulders and wondered to herself what everyone else would be. Probably sluts and skeletons.