[quote=Caits] Pheobe couldn't help it, she had to laugh "ryan, I've been thinking about what rights my parents have. I understand why they did what they did, and all...but can they really defy my choices now? It doesn't seem like they can. But then again...I guess we will see what happens" she started towards the gym now, assuming that most people would still be there, and wondered just how foolish this idea was to go after Magneto, half trained and without any teachers. But what choice did they have? Little as far as she could see. As they reached the gym, Phoebe just climbed in through the hole, looking about. "I don't think we will be having gym for a few days" she said in amusement, then sobered. She started to look for katherin [/quote] Ryan nodded as she talked about her parents rights. His parents had a lot of control over him. They had to due to his powers. It was necessary for him to keep going. "My parents still have a say over me. I owe them that at least. " He admitted not sounding happy or sad about it. "I doubt it. Too bad I liked gym class. " He said walking with her for a bit. "So what's the plan? I'm just gonna say you're in charge. " He said guessing that she would have to lead them.