[b] Rob-Cabin-Danny,Enrique [/b] Rob dropped to the ground with a bit of a smack. It hurt him but right now wasn't exactly the time to be moaning. He followed Danny as they crawled through the Cabin. When Danny told him to escape, Rob sighed. "No...That's silly. You should go, I mean look. You have a girlfriend out there! A real friend. This is also the third time this dick has been shooting at me. You should go, seriously...go...now. I would say how I have nothing left to live for, but that would be a lie. but, shit...Don't make me feel guilty. Haunt my dreams and all that...not that staying here is a deathwis- Just go! Unless you have some ace up your sleeve...but you don't so go!" Rob wondered if Danny would listen to him, or if he was being stupid not going. Weren't they surrounded anyway? ---- [b] Liam [/b] She could be anywhere! Then people would understand that he was useful! He kept on running, their were a few walkers around the place. standing in one place mindless. But they weren't paying attention to him. Too sluggish even if they were. Sudden sounds of a gun firing alerted him. Was Katie there? Maybe she was back and he had stupidly ran. But it wouldn't hurt to check would it?... He ran till he heard voices. Muffled by him being outside the building. but holes allowed him to hear. He had to enter where they were. But he couldn't be seen. Adults could always see you it seems. Unless you were behind walls. That tended to make most things not see you. He snuck, his small frame easily gliding between the many things clotted about. What he saw....disturbed him, there was Katie at least...just not, in a good situation. A man, most likely crazy had her. He had night vision goggles on. He hoped he didn't see him in the background. Behind the shelves. on the ground crawling, he certainly die if a walker came. He kept talking about filth, he looked like filth. He seemed to have something against the parent....tyler...whatever. He dashed to another corner. Closer. He couldn't be seen, mostly because the crazy filthy man seemed to threaten to kill Katie if he saw anyone move. Certainly Tyler would kill him then. In the background...hiding....must be the way.