Simo and Elim's impromptu strategy seemed to work. The more Elim hacked at the creature, the less attention he paid to Simo. When the second Gravity spell came, the giant froze again, and while it was in no danger of falling to its doom as it was on the bridge, it struggled to maintain the snow and ice that made up its body. Indeed, the red ice was revealed once more, giving Elim a precious opportunity to finally deal some direct damage to the monster. He'd need to be quick, though, since Simo's Gravity spell wouldn't last too much longer, and given the creature's size and properties, it was pretty clear it could easily outlast them in a drawn out battle if they didn't strike now. Back in the palace, Jared and Elsa were proving to be a surprisingly effective team. Elsa's near constant barrage of ice magic combined with Jared's power of Thunder proved a potent combination against the flying Air Soldiers. Even the one commanding them had to step in and join the fray once it was clear that it was the last man standing. Jared was relieved that there didn't appear to be any more Heartless spawning, but was cautious anyway. This Air Pirate Heartless was calling the shots for a good reason, as it was it much tougher than the others. Stronger, faster, but most importantly, this one was more intelligent. It had to be to be able to lead an attack as it had done.