“That is a…interesting name Trico.” Continuing to focusing on her phone… [i]C.N.D[/i] “Wow congratulations! How do you feel about it?” [i]CNYIEEE[/i] “Meh, getting appointed as a leader was surprising. During initiation at FF, I listened to music, and as usual, wasted time on my phone, and then…fell asleep in the bushes. Honestly I am surprised I did not get spotted by the Grimm, let alone getting eaten by them.” [i]C.N.D[/i] “LOL, LOL, LOL!” [i]C.N.D[/i] “Well that was funny, and I am quite surprised that you got the position even though you did nothing at FF.” “The great and mighty Cynthia Nivian Dea, and her trusty weapon…what was the name of it again?” [i]CNYIEEE[/i] “Lol, it is Daemon in general though I sometimes I call it Metoautohastam and ya…that is all the names I can remember for it right now.” “I really need to decide on an official name for it…" [i]C.N.D[/i] “Metoautohastam…is too much to pronounce for a weapon name. Daemon is good name for a weapon. Though any name is good so long it short but grabs the attention of your allies, or opponents.” “Well I have got to go. My team is going to be doing some activities today.” “Bye.” [i]End[/i] With the conversation over, Cynthia remembered what Trico said after talking about her name. She still…focused on her phone now checking her QuickaPic account, looking at random pictures of her followers, and people who she is following. “Exploring the school sounds nice, in the nighttime… We could have tea tomorrow" as she talked to Trico while focused on her phone. “I have some personal items that will come in today so expect a lot of people coming into the dorm with a lot of boxes later today” Announcing it to everyone in the room. “By the way is their supposed to be two more people in here…” as she dropped her phone, (it went quickly into lock mode) and looked around…noticing the shadow of another person between one of the beds and a wall. “Oh wait, there is one of our teammates” As she pointed to the direction of the person sitting between the wall and the bed. “But where is the last one?”