[quote=ChadsWorth The Thrid] I was talking to a friend about this and he was wondering how Ana would affect Henry. Henry being a man of logic, and Ana having a un-natural ability. Would he try to explain it, or just go with it? [/quote] [quote=Thundercat] College graduate Henry would want to run several test on Ana and probably poke at her brain, where as post traumatic Henry is most likely going to be like "Yeah, that makes sense." [/quote] [i] I can definitely see both. Ana herself is a woman of 'logic' but she has a gift that she can't really explain herself. It's not like anyone took her by the hand and said 'here you go sweetheart- this is your power' It was more like -dead husband comes and sits on your bed and tells you things while you freak the fuck out.- LOL Either way, I think interaction between our characters will be fun. :3 [/i]