[img=http://i680.photobucket.com/albums/vv167/Assallya/Assabig.jpg] Assallya Kressair •Age: 89 •Race: Elf •Appearance: As above. •Abilities: Assallya is a witch, sorceress, con-artist, dancer and occasional courtesan, Her magics are primarily those of illusion and enchantment. She has but one combat spell, the shocking grasp, which she almost never uses since she doesn't like to get that close to an enemy. She also possesses a Ring of Regeneration on one of her toes that heals even the most mortal of wounds inflicted while wearing it. •Weaknesses: Assallya is a poor combatant. She can, if necessary use a crossbow with some skill but is nearly hopeless with swords, daggers and similar weapons. She prefers using daggers on sleeping, unsuspecting, or helpless opponents if at all. •History: Assallya was a slave in a desert country far to the south. There she was trained by her master, a noble house with underworld connections, in being a spy. Surprisingly, the wanton aggression of Umbra permitted Assallya the opportunity to escape and she took it. She now travels through the north in a vardo wagon, far away from her former people lest her masters come looking for her. She is somewhat trustworthy. The main reason that she is so is due to the simple fact that she believes that anyone offering her riches enough to betray her companions to the forces of Umbra will likely murder her in short order rather than reward her. Now, if she's captured, all bets are off and she'll likely squeal near instantly at the mere thought of disfigurement..