Masako had awoken moments before Takahiro had came running down the hallway to awaken them. She could not explain why but something in her head told her that she had to get up that it was most vital for her too. As she did she saw the last glimpses of a purple butterfly outside of her window slowing flapping its wings away into the night which had developed a green haze. She got to her feet and got dressed quickly and as she did she heard some sort of commotion downstairs that sounded like something was trying to get into the dorm. She remembered her conversation in the elevator with the man what was his name... Igor? On the first night he had come she had signed a contract she thought it was some sort of dream but he warned her of things to come and so did that boy..... Was this what they were talking about? She could not say for certain but what she could was that feeling of dread and darkness had increased and it felt as if whatever was to happen was going to effect things greatly to come. [B]Knock, Knock, Knock[/B] Somebody outside was slamming their fist into the door and then moments afterwards she heard Takahiro's voice it was filled with panic and whispy as if he had just been running from somewhere or maybe something. She opened the door and was greeted by Takahiro who's demeanor was nothing of that of the arrogant jerk that had been talking earlier that evening. The other members of the dorm had been filed in behind him all of them in the same state of shock, apperantly this was not some night time evacuation drill she had not been told about. Having little time for pleasantries Takahiro yelled that they had to move quickly and that he would explain later. Another sound this time something similar to roar echoed through the sky and pierced through the thin walls of the dorm. She had no idea what was going on but she was not about to argue semantics with Takahiro and so she left following after but not before grabbing her gloves that she had thrown across her desk. As the older student lead them down the stairs at a breakneck pass sometimes skipping one or two stairs as he went down Masako slipped the gloves onto her hands she didn't know what was trying to get in or whatever was outside but at least she had her gloves and if needed she could hit whatever it was that give her a small sense of security. They had reached the ground floor and Takahiro was leading them to the back door. The lights flickered and swayed as if an earthquake had just came through she wondered what was happening and where they were going. But Takahiro looked like he was not in the mood to answer any nonessential answer as he put his hand aginst the door handle leading out the back emergency exit. It was then that something with force that no human could hope to achieve slammed into the door which buckled under the weight. Stumbling backwards with the rest of her dorm mates they all looked at Takahiro who just pointed at them and told them to run back up the stairs towards the roof. That seemed like a very reasonable idea and so they ran for the stairs. Masato heart was pounding and the adrenline was pumping through her body as every fiber and inch told her to keep on moving. She chanced a look behind her and saw something dark as the night its self creep into the dorm floor. [i]What the hell?![/I] was all she could think as Takahairo herded them up the stairs yelling at them to not stop. They reached the door to the roof and Takahiro threw his body into it shoving it open as they hit the roof. They all piled through and then slammed the door shut behind them. Everyone looked around at one another hearts racing and wondering what in the world was truly going on. Masato droned all of them out as she took a few steps away from the group. She didn't feel too good and a series of incoherent whisperers seemed to surround her. She could only make out one word out of all of it "Per-son-a" putting her hand to her head she closed her eyes and shook her head trying to force the voices out and after a moment they seemed to at least subside. Taking in a deep breath she observed the alien sky above her and her eyes were naturally drawn towards the moon a giant circle in the sky and colored a sickly hue. Did this mean she was not dreaming the past two nights? What did it all mean? Her eyes drifted to the horizion as she thought and pondered the voices of her dorm mates wondering and panicked behind her. She was facing the distraction of the school and that was the first time she saw [url=]Tartarus [/url] a large and monolithic tower stretching far into the sky glowing green. She could not look away from it and part of herself told her to walk towards it, to walk right off the edge of the building and progress towards it. But she fought the urge stepping away from the edge stumbling back.She looked back in the direction of the others none of them had seen her... she shook her head and joined the fold once again. As she did she looked up at the sky again and just whispered almost exclusively to herself. [I]"Its still coming."[/I]