The firefight lasted only moments. The men, while well trained, were not expecting the cars near them to explode. About half of them were killed instantly, and the other half was too shocked to take cover in time. Most emptied their weapons into the car and by the time they tried to reload were picked off. By the time the dust had cleared, Ten bodies were on the floor in pools of their own blood. Jason's car had been shot up so badly it was doubtful it would ever run again. Craters and the scorched skeletons of cars remained where the car bombs were triggered, and fires still burned, eating the interiors of the vehicles and gradually filling the garage with the smell of burning rubber and gasoline. Rubble still fell from the ceiling and walls where pieces were chipped off by bullets. A low moan was heard just on the other side of Jason's car, and a radio squawked to life on one of the bodies. "Bravo team, fall back to the elevators! Step to, rookies!" --- "Has the serum run its course?" "The subjects are resisting, sir. It will take a bit more time for it to run its course. They are both showing physical signs of the serum's work, however." "Good. Perhaps they'll be ready to greet our... guests."