Alec listened to the radio message. He wondered if the knew Alwc was his first name? That's what he gets for having to first names. The town was crawling with puppets. By that he meant Russian supported units. They had strings all over them it was funny to see how unsubtle the Russians were being. He doubted that the Patton would be deployed yet. He hoped it would. He would like to see the enemies running in fear but it was not his call. His drones were uploading everything they saw up to the base so a 3D model of the town could be made. Problem was that the center was a no go zone since it was crawling with the bad guys. Alec sighed and fired his hook to the next roof and the next after that heading towards the location he had reviewed. He had to get there quickly or there would his head. He had to finish his mission. He was just about to contact the team when he noticed a patrol who had decided taking to the rooftops was a good idea. They were not close enough to see him but their patrol would take them to him. Alec prepared a plan since shooting the pair would be impossible. So he decided to take out his kermabit. He had to be quick about this. One of the men lagged behind and his throat was quickly cut with a stab to it. Alec then moved quickly to get the other one. However this one was just turning to talk to his friend when Alec was close. So Alec had to quickly punch the man it the throat and then stabbing him like his friend. After the bodies had been hidden, Alec continued on his way. A few minutes later he managed to catch up to his targets, the Polish team. "Top of the morning and all that. " He joked looking the team over. "So umm. This is not my strong suit. Meeting new people. " He admitted sounding worried behind his mask.