[b]Name:[/b] Sylvya Dern [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=face][img]http://newhairstylesdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/best-red-hair-styles-of-2012-600x800.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Clothing]It's something similar to this, but it's all black [img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20131014122427/assassinscreed/images/f/f1/ACI-Aveline.png[/img] Plus she wears this to conceal her face [img]http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NDIwWDQwMA==/$(KGrHqNHJFQFBi1GJGSPBQeE2R46e!~~60_35.JPG[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] There isn't much difficulty in getting along with Sylvya. Likewise, she is witty and has a very charming charisma about herself. She can be romantic at times too, but she fears growing too attached to people, especially if they may end up being her target one day. However, on the job she takes a different personality, cold, methodical, and without remorse. Though a ruthless bandit, Slyvya does have some civility to her when she is out terrorizing the lonely roads. She refuses to kill a woman or a child, and often leaves them be after she has pilfered their riches and leaving be those who are less fortunate than the nobles and merchants who travel the roads. [b]Abilities:[/b] Sylvya is a rather adept fencer noted for her swift parries and damaging ripostes, but sometimes her form can slip now and again. She is also good at guerilla tactics, bounding and leaping through the thick forest canopies, giving her a slight advantage in ambushing others, along with her keen knowledge of shadow magick, mostly using it to disappear and to elude her enemies. As for stealth, Sylvya is like a spirit looming upon you when you least expect her, and once you are aware of her presence, it is far too late to react, and for marksmanship, she's not too shabby when it comes to using a crossbow or throwing knives. [b]History:[/b] Once Sylvya was part of one of the most prominent families of the Alacrian aristocracy, the Dern family. Her father, Harken, was a wealthy merchant who owned several trade routes and shipping lines in the kingdom. Her mother, Marion, was a famous actress and opera singer. Twas thanks to her mother that Sylvya was raised in an environment steeped in music and the arts. She loved to hear her mother sing and enjoyed watching her plays and her concerts with her father. Sylvya also had an uncle, her father's loathsome and greedy half brother Crassius, who helped Harken gain his wealth, but grew angry when his brother excluded him from the family after learning of Crassus cheating a few noble customers. Crassus was even further angered when he learned Harken entrusted all of his wealth to Sylvya in his will, and soon he retaliated with violence. One night, a band of mercenaries hired by Crassus stormed the Dern Manor. Harken was slain trying to defend his home and his family and Marion was later murdered by the men. Sylvya survived the attack, fully aware that Crassus was the orchestrator of this vile action. As she watched her family's illustrious and elegant manor erupt in flames, she fled from the city and towards the forest in fear of her own life still being forfeit. The mercenaries pursued her and soon caught up to her. They were about to deliver the killing blow to Slyvya, but she was rescued by a man [url=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/47/03/8e/47038e9a4094886848927ee91810d98b.jpg]dressed in all black[/url], as if he were clad in nothing but shadows. He was [url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/311/7/c/rikimaru_by_ejdc-d5k918s.jpg]Matthias Grimm[/url], a highwayman who was wanted by authorities in all the land, the Blood Raven. He took Sylvya under his wing and gave her a place to stay at his hideout, an old, rundown cottage nestled deep in the dark forest. There, he taught his new protegee the essentials to being a good highwayman, how to steal, how to intimidate, how to disappear amongst the shadows to ambush her foes, and most importantly....how to kill. He even imbued unto Slyvya the most elusive of his arts, shadow magick, using shadows conjured forth from the nether-planes to conceal oneself and even to summon forth malevolent entities to strike fear into even the bravest of hearts. Slyvya thrived under Matthias' teachings, and soon she became a fearsome rogue herself, terrorizing with Matthias the kingdom and her father's old trade routes, now owned by Crassus. Fate would have it that one day their paths would cross. On a particular dark and stormy night, Crassus was trying to flee the proper authorities when he was discovered in a scandal involving the trade of rotten food to the Empire. His carriage soon met with Matthias and Slyvya upon the road leading out of Alacris. The two thieves attacked, but suddenly they were ambushed by Crassus' hired thugs. A bloody battle ensued, and in the rampant chaos....Slyvya reaped her revenge upon Crassus, stabbing him through the throat with her knife, but....also in the midst of the battle, Matthias was gravely wounded after taking an axe blow to his gut. With his dying breath, he urged Sylvya to carry on his legacy, while also bequeathing to Sylvya his love he held for the young girl. After Matthias' passing, Sylvya carried his promise and became the new Blood Raven, haunting the very roads she pillaged and pilfered alongside her beloved mentor, which were now being used by the Umbran military to transport valuable goods between the conquered realms. Soon, Sylvya began focusing her attacks on . She had heard there was an uprising beginning to brew within the kingdoms under Umbran rule, but naturally she chose to stay out of it unless the time came, preferring to work by herself. She had been likened to the legendary thief the Spectre, but unlike Spectre, she does not return her ill-gotten wealth to the poor, rather greedy and selfish of her. [b]Preferred Weapons:[/b] [hider=Tools of the Trade][img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080805184143/soulcalibur/images/1/19/Flambert.jpg[/img] [b]_Aquilius_[/b] A light rapier that once belonged to the most legendary highwayman in all the kingdoms, and someone Sylvya once loved. Easy to wield with one hand and indeed agile, giving enough ample speed and leverage for swift parries, ripostes and quick slashes and thrusts, though it is less damaging compared to larger, more robust swords. [img]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41Ho1zUTitL._SY300_.jpg[/img] [b]_Miseria_[/b] A short steel dagger for close ranged stealth kills, small and concealable under any circumstances. There's a special compartment in the hilt of the dagger for a vial of poison. [img]http://www.knife-depot.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/United-Cutlery-GH0947B-rw-14249-4719.jpg[/img] [b]_Throwing Knives_[/b] Sharpened and honed for the utmost aerodynamic design. They can be deployed rapidly in a cloud of deadly projectiles or used for a discreet, far ranged kill, maybe to get rid of a pesky guard or two (Maximum Limit: 12) [img]http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130119215807/darksouls/images/b/b0/Firebomb.png[/img] [b]_Fire Bombs_[/b] A potent and lethal amalgamation of ceramic pottery and a deadly flammable liquid. Perfect for setting some poor souls ablaze or using to halt a caravan in its tracks. (Maximum Limit: 4) [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111018235622/deadliestfiction/images/1/15/2Crossbows_Belgian_Crossbow_Pistol_DX1233_1110.jpg[/img] [b]_Mini Crossbow_[/b] A nifty little tool for any good rogue. Great for picking off a couple of stragglers from far away. The steel bolts are also coated in highly toxic darkroot sap, which can cripple the nervous system of the body in less that a few seconds. (Maximum Limit: 20 bolts)[/hider].