Mid-August, Malcolm's favorite season was fall. It was cool and crisp outside and the sun didn't shine much, so it made it easier for him to be outdoors. He enjoyed the fresh air, not so much the burning sun on his pale skin. Despite the false acclaims that vampires couldn't be out in the sun, he did. They could but only for a brief period of time before it would slowly start to burn the flesh of their skin. It was mid afternoon right now. He was dressed in black jeans and a white t-shirt with a v cut. He had on his black and white sneakers and his brown hair tousled. He had on black sunglasses and was laying outside. He'd been out here for about five minutes and decided it was time to go in, that and it was almost town for dinner. The start of the semester had only just began. He spent summer vacation in the Arctics where it was always cold and the sun seemed to no exist. He had stayed with his uncle who was over five hundred years old there. He enjoyed himself, but now it was time to get back to the Academy. It was his second year and though he may not tell anyone, ever, he actually enjoyed being around other people like him. People who were different and wasn't human, other vampires like him that he could relate to. Classes were to begin the following Morning, it was only Saturday afternoon. Malcolm headed to the wing where the donors lived. They each had their own personal room where they rested and even their own kitchen where a personal chef cooked them meals to keep their energy up and blood flowing through their delicious bodies. --------- Autumn had taken a walk to the woods. She stood in the middle and raised her hand, leaves flew around her. She giggled as a leaf ticked her cheek. This was her favorite thing about being a witch, was getting to do things like this. She preferred to use her powers on nature. She liked to raise water from a fountain, make leaves fly around and give a slight wind. It was relaxing and she enjoyed it. She lowered her hand and the leaves followed, they spiraled down and fell around her. She clapped and jumped. It was cool outside so she was dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a beige sweater. Her blonde hair was down and she had on her black glasses. She usually wore contacts, but she lost the on her travel here so she was stuck with her glasses. She wasn't too fond of them, what guy would want a girl in glasses? None she had went to school with or had the pleasure of knowing. Autumn repeated the process, raising her hands and watched with glee as she leaves followed her hand up and swirled around her.