Jon nodded at Mike,"Okay, thank you. While you do that, I'll- uh, I'll make sure everyone is okay for now." He watched Mike walk away. He nodded at Yvette's random fact-"And there were what- about 300 people on the plane? So about 6 first aid kits, that should suffice I would think." He said confidently- inside, he was scared to death, but now he was stuck with people counting on him to help, and so he aimed to keep his cool. Just then, Jon noted another girl on a blanket nearby, and decided to get up and check on her. He looked over at Yvette,"Just stay here- okay? Try not to move very much, I'll be over by that other girl, so yell if you need anything." He got up and made his way over to the girl, kneeling down near the other two men,"So what's going on over here?" He tried to sound warm and calm, he knew it was key to try and keep everyone calm.