collab between lucius and mee! For some, Twilight College held answers to their fate, destiny, to gain a greater hold over the magic that flows their their veins. For one blood stained Priestess, she was hoping to at least keep whatever monster inside her in check. As the sun beat down upon Pylia, she drew her white hood over her head. Since she gave a little leeway to what monster lay within. She felt the sun seemed to be brighter, almost on the edge of painful. Pushing the images of the sharp edged image of herself to the back of her mind, she proceeded to the gates. A few mages seemed to look cautiously towards the priestess, she wore the robes of her order. She was an awfully long way from home, and Hope's temple had a history of sometimes being viewed as zealots. Her robes had seen better days to begin with, during her journey towards Twilight, she had aided those in need of her healing talents. Often choosing not to take any tribute asides some simple food and water for her trip. "They don't trust you, outsider..." Pylia was nearly startled out of her skin by the spidery whispers of the woman. "I will earn their trust...I can make a difference here!" She heard the cold chuckling of the woman before all went silent again. Pylia sighed as she proceeded into the College. Several students parted around the priestess as she entered the gates. So far, Pylia's hopes of remaining invisible while trying to understand her affliction, were off to a rather horrible beginning. A portal ripped open in the courtyard. Tyrael stepped out and shut the portal behind him and let out a deep sigh. Slowly but surely he was getting his legion back, but how quickly can he do it at this rate? It took him years to get to where he was before, and now he felt like he was expected to do the same in a tenth of the time. Granted, it was a self-imposed time limit. No one asked him to raise a legion of demons for the college. Most don't want demons around, and he wanted to be useful. Shaking these thoughts off Tyrael began to head to his forge when he noticed a new face. She wore white robes and a matching veil, which Tyrael recognized that it came from a church in Eania. If he also remembered correctly, he may have went to the same place of worship in order to recruit new mages to the college. The details were fuzzy since this may have happened ten or so years ago. But he remembered the clothing. Tyrael was considering letting someone else deal with the new comer, but he figured he would do it himself. He had a rare moment where he was ahead of scedual, so he may as well put it to good use. The demonic orc walked over to the white robed figure and called out to her. [b]"You there. In the white robes. Who are you and what is your business here?"[/b] Pylia nearly froze in her tracks at she was addressed. She'd been so used to blending in at Hope, and outside, she was only sought out for her healing talents. The voice that called to her was from a massive orc. She'd seen them in the past, or more exaclty their handiwork. Savage, brutal creatures capable of incredible brutality. Pylia suddenly wished she retained the dagger a hunter she tended to had offered her. The priestess nervously backed away from the orc. Her voice was barely above a whisper as she tried to speak. " name is Pylia, I've come to learn...I am...was a priestess of Hope. I have been given the gift of vitalimancy. I wish to learn..." As Pylia spoke, the scratching returned. Did the other half know something she didn't? Pylia wished she could communicate with the other half more effectively then her harsh whispers in the back of her mind. Something about this orc caused the other half to be on guard. Did he see something inside her? Pylia cautiously drew back a little farther from the orc. Tyrael narrowed his eyes at this "Pylia". She said she was a Vitamancer, and yet... He knew there was more to it than that. But than again, perhaps that was merely his paranoia from the past two months. He's been looking for anyone who could potentially betray the college or be a spy, knowingly or otherwise. And he had his sucpicions of this "Priestess". However, as much as he wanted to, he couldn't simply interogate her. But just about everyone was busy. Khan was fighting fires with the various factions trying to get his attention or put blame on the college, Uicle has to cover security until Tyrael can rebuild his forces, and he doesn't really know or care about what Lucilia has been up to recently. He'll have to screen this person himself. But how... [b]"So you are a new student than. I see. Alright than, I am Tyrael. follow me."[/b] Tyrael would have to postpone the spear heads to later today. Tyrael led the girl towards the college, but deep underneath the into the catacombs. For the most part it was rarely visited, which was notable with all the cobwebs and dust. However he had reason to beleive that something has been taking up residence in the catacombs that doesn't belong. He wanted to see how the new blood would handle the situation, and if she turns out to be a spy, than Tyrael can quietly eliminate her without arousing suspicion. [b]"We first test our students to measure their effiency with their magics. There is a more standardized test, however no one at the moment is avalible to give it aside from me. And I this is how I do my test. You will assist me in finding a creature within these catacombs that does not belong. The only thing that should be down here are rats and corpses. Keep your eyes sharp and do not stray too far from me."[/b] Grabbing a dusty torch, Tyrael used his magic to set a flame on it to illuminate the otherwise pitch black catacombs. He created another torch and handed it off to Pylia. Pylia looked nervously towards the darkness, as she allowed her eyes to adjust to her new environment. She was unsure of the objective described to her by the orc, her magic was primarily based in healing. Identification of the living, injuries, the ebb and flow of life was her understanding. As Pylia accepted the torch, she nodded quietly. Keeping her reservations about whatever lay in wait within the shadows caused her some apprehension. She wasn't a fighter by any stretch of the imagination. If whatever down here was hostile, how would she protect herself? The other seemed to be more comfortable within the shadows. Hopefully that meant she'd have a fighting chance with this test. Pylia recalled her lessons based around healing, to find the lifeblood within the subject. The strongest points to the weakest, which needed to be mended by her. Possibly, this meant she could reach out into the shadows and find what Tyreal wanted her to find? As Pylia began to focus, her first idea was to find what could be healed to what could not be healed. As Tyreal explained, there were rats, the dead and what she was supposed to find. As they began to walk through the catacombs, Pylia felt the first subject come close, it was small, round, and warm, scurrying to and fro looking for it's meal. A rat was not her target, moving on, Pylia stepped past and sensed something larger, and cold. It was not a rat, someone who'd passed, possibly a previous student? "This is not a path to think upon, focus on what doesn't belong. You've seen rats, you've seen the dead, what doesn't feel the same as those? That's what we seek!! Let me help you." Pylia felt herself relinquish a tiny bit of control as she began to understand what the other had explained. She needed to reach out for the other, the torch began to flicker as Pylia began to see things that the other allowed. Warm and round, grey and large, round, large, they seemed to surround before one shape seemed to jut out from the others. Almost like a tiny star in the night sky. "Follow me," Pylia spoke quietly as she lead Tyreal along the pathways stretching through the college. She hoped whatever influence the other granted was apparently only to her. Finally, they found a small room where the star was located. Pylia turned towards Tyreal, "I believe what we're searching for is here." To say that Tyrael was curios was a bit of an understatement. He had figured this girl would have been too weak willed to follow him into the catacombs. He didn't even expect her to be all that useful. But barely a few minutes into the search and the girl was already producing results. Before Tyrael could pick up a trail she was already sensing something he didn't. She told him to follow, which he did dully. This level of competency made him even more paranoid that she was an agent of Kudd. He noticed her eyes flash a strange color, which only added more fuel to the fire. He clentched his fist, but than let it go. [i][b]"Calm yourself. Bait the prey. Do not take the shot until you can ensure it is trapped."[/b][/i] Tyrael let out a deep breath and continued to follow Pylia until they reached a seperate corridor in the catacombs. It was a fairly spacious room where they would embalm corpses. Tyrael quickly picked up small signs of activity, such as the various tools being moved around and what looked to be chewed up bandages. More notably, blood. Dried, caked blood, about two days old, give or take. Something or someone was injured here. Tyrael tasted the blood powered and knew it was not a mortal, nor a rat. His eyes darted around and found the source of the blood. He was fairly dissapointed. [b]"Hmm... I had thought it would be something more... Fearsome."[/b] Tyrael picked up a [url=]small creature[/url] to show in the torch light. [b]"A Lucent Kuga. A baby one at that. Does not seem to be one of ours, and it is injured... Here."[/b] Tyrael placed the small creature in front of Pylia. [b]"Part two of the test. Let us see how you handle this."[/b] The Lucent Kuga barely seemed alive. There was a large cut on its wing webbing, and a few bites from rats who thought the creature would be an easy meal. The fact that it lived this long was a testimant of it's endurance, however it was dying nontheless. It could not even open its eyes and was breathing very lightly. Pylia knelt before the injured creature. It wasn't something she had ever seen in the past It was barely holding onto life. As Pylia approached the creature, she felt her other half weigh this creature's measure. As if it determined life or death. "This creature is not worthy of our magic, let the void take it..." Pylia pushed those thoughts to the side, she rested a slender hand upon the creatures frame. It tried to make a break for it, the tiny creature could barely raise itself up. Pylia spoke softly as she began a healing spell, the room was illuminated in a soft white glow. "Do not panic little one, I am not here to hurt you..." She first worked upon the bites over the body, her magic illuminating each wound. She began by sealing them first, before knitting the flesh together. After tending to the worst wounds of the baby Kuga, the fever was next. Pylia rested her hand upon the creature's head. She smiled as she channeled a weaker version of her healing spell through the tiny creature's body. She'd treated several children afflicted by a plague when she first started discovering her magic. While focusing her magic upon a single point allows her to heal wounds, but channelling through the entire being allows for her to heal the body of toxins and disease. As she channeled her healing magic, the soft light illuminated Pylia's shadow. A form much different from the reserved priestess on the surface. Disregarding the signs, Pylia continued to heal the fragile creature. As the fever broke, Pylia began to wobble, she may have pushed herself a little too hard. Smiling as the creature stirred, she patted it gently on the head. "Your wings will be next little star, just let me catch my breath." Turning towards Tyreal, Pylia tried to muster what little strength she had left after her healing magics took their toll, "How was that?" Tyrael simply looked at Pylia. It was not a look of disdain. More like... Uncertaincy. Surely any of Kudd's agents could be healers... But how much longer does Tyrael need to convince himself that this Pylia was really an agent of Kudd? She was about to drop on her feet from just healing a baby Kuga. Surely an agent of Kudd would be more capable than this. His paranoia made it hard for Tyrael to really apprciate what Pylia had done, so he simply waved his hand in front of himself. [b]"Good enough. You will need to learn a lot more. Now let us head back to the surface to get your paper work."[/b] Tyrael left the small room and began to head back upstairs towards the college staff offices. The little Kuga, though still weak, was able to open it's eyes now and looked at Pylia expectantly, as though Pylia was it's mother and the small creature thought it was feeding time. It's small frame hid it's gaunt figure, as it has not eaten well in it's short life. The baby kuga flapped it's arms, too young to know that it's notknow that it's not old enough to fly, and unaware of the severity of it's wounded wing. It began to growl playfully to get Pylia's attention. Pylia watched as Tyreal gave her what could be an almost-approval of her talents when it came to treating the Kuga. She laughed softly as the creature hopped back and forth before toppling back over. Unfortunately it's wing didn't allow it the proper mobility a creature like that was used to. Pylia looked towards Tyreal for what to do with the little guy, it was cute. Pylia ruffled the tuft of fur behind it's ear as she almost wondered if there was another to take care of the creature. None were found, "alone here too?" She asked quietly, the creature looked curiously towards it's new mother. Scooping the creature up in her arms, Pylia hurried to catch up to Tyreal. "We'll find you something to eat when we get outside, for now hope at least being warm is enough." Thinking of what to call the wayward Kuga, only one name seemed to call out for her. "So, how about Star for a name? Since you worked so hard for me to see you in the dark." Pylia smiled softly as the creature trilled in what could be assumed was it's approval. As she followed Tyreal, she remained quiet as they proceeded to leave the catacomb. Pylia noted that unlike the first time she was passing through the darkened tunnels, she seemed to be able to view the dark with little to no difficulties. This time around, she was surrounded by the inky shadows. The scratching voice in the back of her mind had gone silent, assumedly due to exhaustion. "Thank for you this opportunity," Pylia spoke softly. The two eventually left the college underground and arrived to the teacher's offices. Tyrael arrived to a familiar door, but before he opened it he turned around to spoke to Pylia. He was a bit surprised to see the kuga with her, but than again she would seem to be the type to have pets. He had no issue with this, though he expected Pylia to be able to care for the creature, exspecially once it gets older. [b]"This office belongs to Lucilia Riovas, Herbmancy teacher as well as the college's secetary of sorts. She will be the one who you would need to speak to about your admission for the college, as well as your classes, sceduals, and whatever else."[/b] Tyrael was about to leave but remembered there was one more important thing he had to tell her. [b]"Also, as you may or may not know, there is a rise in demonic acvitiy around the world. As you may have seen on your way into the college, we brook very little tolerance towards our enemies, no matter who they are. If you happen to know anything about potential hard that could come to the college, we expect that you will tell us immediately. Any threat, be it personal or large scale, must be reported as soon as possible for everyones safety. Report it to any of the college staff, or better yet report directly to me. Now than, is there anything you have to ask of me before I hand you off to Lucilia?"[/b] Pylia was astounded at the size of the buildings found within the College. Her past often had her working in simple stone temples, or whatever villiage that was kind enough to grant her sanctuary in exchange for her healing magics. This was different, there was art, lush tapestries, and the scent of food that had both priestess and kuga's mouth watering. Pylia didn't lose step as she entered the admissions office. As Tyreal spoke about dangers to the College, she could feel the other half beginning to stir at mention of "threats". Pylia was tempted to ask for his aid, maybe learn of what the other half could be. However, Star was proof of how this man would treat his lessers, and Pylia not up for finding out how she'd be treated if she suddenly became a threat. "I am fine, I apologize I rarely have seen combat or know of many threats. I simply tend to the wounded afterwards." Pylia hoped that whatever lurked in the darkness, was smart enough to keep itself quiet at the moment before a man who could very easily dispatch the both of them. "Thank you for allowing me to keep my new friend." She smiled cheerfully, dismissing the potential threat the orc may have just made. Pylia learned from a young age that to see the goodness in the world, you were best to show it yourself. Hopefully this rule applied to Tyreal! Tyrael was geninuely surprised. Why was Pylia thanking him? He had been rather threatening and was only one vague indication of being outright hostile. His paranoia continued to tell him that Pylia was an enemy, but a more... Sensible part of him was telling him to stop. He wanted to protect the college, but with the way his mind was working right now, it seemed like he was more interested in finding enemies than defending his people. There was a moment of silence between the two before he opened his mouth again. [b]"... It is no problem. Be sure to take care of him. Kugas do not stay that size for long. In about five years or so it will be the size of a draft horse. Depending on how well it eats, within ten it may be larger than a drake. Now than..."[/b] Tyrael knocked on the door and waited for a responds. A femenine voice called out. [b]"You can open the door."[/b] Tyrael did so and entered with Pylia. Sitting at her desk filling out inventory sheets was the white-haired vampire. Though she was a little over 200 years old, she looked like a young narsean human, aside from the white hair and red eyes. When Lucilia looked up she put her eyes on Pylia first, and she had a smile on her face. [b]"Ah, another new student? Welcome, welcome. I hope that you have found the college to be hospitible for you. I am Lucilia Riovas, Professor of Herbmancy and owner of the Scarlet Traveler. Thank you for showing her in, Professor. Is there anything else you need from her?"[/b] Lucilia shot a glace at Tyrael that implied what she was asking was retorical. Tyrael would have traded verbal jabs with her, but he still had some business to attend. [b]"No. I will be heading back to the forge if I am needed."[/b] Tyrael left without another word, leaving Pylia and Lucilia alone together. Once the door was shut behind him Lucilia was quick yo take out a folder containing a small booklet worth of documents. [b]"Please excuse his... Behavior. I'm not sure if he has told you or not, but the college is going through some hard times right now. We're all rather pressed for time, and not everyone can cool their heads. But enough of that! Ahem, welcome to the College of Twilight! Here we traing and provide knowledge for anyone who is willing to come through our doors, as well as provide various services and supplies. I am going to guess that you are a student! To whom do I own the pleasure of meeting?"[/b] Pylia had watched quietly as Tyreal and Lucilia had exchanged pleasantries. At least what could be considered pleasantries. While Pylia stayed at the Temple of Hope, that display was common between the soldiers and the priests who tended to their injured. It was a civility, no more, no less. This woman seemed warmer then Tyreal, definitely less inclined to threaten outright at least. Pylia smiled as she gave a polite nod, "My name is Pylia Keltafer, First sister, ah, I apologize, former first sister of Hope Temple. It's a pleasure to meet you, I've heard wonderful things about this College and hoped that there was a place for me to further my grasp on my mageblood." Pylia hoped Lucilia wouldn't catch her honesty about the departure from Hope Temple, they may have been a remote sect, and it would be awhile before annyone would learn of her departure from their order. However, Tyreal seemed to dislike her, it was best to start on an honest note with those she met at this College. "Also this little Kuga here is Star, a product of Tyreal's test for me in the Catacombs." She smiled as the creature gave a rather enthusiastic trill in response. [b]"Ah, a sister from Hope Temple? It has been sometime since we have... Wait... Tyrael tested you?"[/b] Lucilia's confusion slowly melted into slight irratation, but she quicklyregained her composure. She should not have been so surprised that Tyrael would have attempted to haze the new student, and she made a mental note to ensure that he would be too saddled with work to bother anyone else. [b]"Excuse me, I was just... Surprised to hear that he had tested you. Pray tell, what exactly did he make you do?"[/b] Lucilia was concerned that Tyrael may have exposed Pylia to something she was not suppose to see, or endager her in a way that would be... Counter productive for the college. At the nature of Miss Lucilia's question, Pylia felt that Tyreal may have been less kind in his testing then most of the other teachers of this College would have been. "Yes Miss Lucilia, he'd requested I locate an unknown creature in the catacombs amongst the rodents and the ... Deceased using Vitalimancy to sense what was down there. Upon finding Star, he then asked me to tend to it's wounds. I was able to treat the bites and the fever, I regret his wing will take a little longer for me to fully mend due to the nature of the thin webbing."" Pylia scritched the creature under what resembled it's chin. "It did not look like it would fare well in the catacombs so I brought it with me. I hope that is allright?" Lucilia let out a breath of releif. She had thought Tyrael might have done something to try to harm Pylia. Granted, the catacombs aren't exactly their biggest main attraction, but the dead rest peacefully there. And last she check, Uicle hasn't had anyone from his class or at least those who should be in his class to disturb their remains. Lucilia figured that Tyrael was merely attempting to send a message to Pylia about what he would do to her if she somehow proved to be a threat to the college. Whether that message was sent or not was what concerned Lucilia. [b]"That is fine Pylia. An excellent job in fact. You have yet to begin your classes and already you are proving to be a very promising student! The college would welcome you as our newest addition to our students and apprentices."[/b] Lucilia returned with her warm and business like composure, handing Pylia the folder containing various papers which Pylia woiuld need to sign and look over. [b]"Inside this portfolio are some documents I'd like you to look over. It mainly pertains to your health and past affiliations, such as histories of conflict or possible criminal records. While the college accepts all those from all walks of life, we do not provide safe haven from those who would use us to escape justice, but we also wish to help our students and members of the college to work past any of their trauma or phobias. Be as honest as you can, as this information is entirely confidential; only you, myself, and the headmaster would ever lay eyes on these papers. In addition, we also have various extracuricular activities and classes you are free to participate, should you have the time."[/b] Looking at Pylia's little "Star", Lucilia also took out a slip of paper. She quickly wrote various directions in superb penmenship and handed it to the girl. [b]"And for your little friend there, find the teacher who goes by the name Satori. She handles most of the domesticated creatures of the college, from pets to livestock as well as beast burden and war. I'm not quite sure what your friend is, however I would suggest that you take him to Satori so that she may help you take proper care for him. Now, is there anything else you have to ask from me or about the college?"[/b] Pylia took the papers from Lucilia, carefully leafing through the documents. The mention of being honest about her past caused Pylia to nervously bite her lip. She read Lucilia as being warm, and kind, but admitting that there is something lurking inside her that allowed her to slaughter several bandits without any reservations wasn't exactly the same as admitting she was afraid of the dark. "Thank you Miss Lucilia, I would simply request that if any from Hope's temple come here, please keep my presence here a secret. Before I left, they carted me around as if I was some relic. Healing and promoting their church, I simply chose to heal because I could help...nothing more nothing less. I chose to depart of my own accord." Pylia admitted as a half truth. "Later if I could speak with you about other matters, I would appreciate it. Nothing of a threat against this College. I just need some time to adjust is all..." Pylia tried to smile warmly, but her eyes gave off a more sobre light. As she accepted the note for help in the care of Star. Pylia seemed to perk up, "Thank you Miss Lucilia, I expended a bit of my magic to bring Star back from the edge. I am sure a good meal would be the next step for a good recovery." As Pylia looked towards Star, she felt part of her humanity latch onto Star. As if it gave the Other a reason to stay quiet. Hopefully now that she wasn't in danger, it could allow that half to stay put. "I do not have any other questions at this time. This is still quite an adjustment for me..." Lucilia nodded her head and stood up. [b]"Of course Pylia. If you ever need someone to talk to, despite my scedual, I can always make time for others. Take as much time as you need to get comfortable here at the college, and feel free to make any request from us for whatever reason you feel nessisary."[/b] Lucilia extended her hand out to Pylia and had a light smile on her face. [b]"It has been a pleasure to meet you, miss Pylia. Now than, allow me to show you were you will be staying at during your time here at the college."[/b] Pylia felt her sense of uneasiness falling away as Lucilia seemed unaffected by the statement of Pylia's unrest about the other. Getting to her feet, Pylia quickly brushed her robes out, smoothing the many creases in her robes that had seen many many better days. "If there's any robes here that I could purchase, that would be favorable as well. Not only these bloodied, muddied and a little cut up, I would appreciate something without a sign of the Holy order." Pylia smiled meekly to Lucilia as they left the office to proceed to Pylia's new room.