[center][b] Mia [/b] [img=http://www.ezimba.com/work/141105C/ezimba16806076235800.gif][/center] She'd been sitting in the main hall, minding her own business when she heard a loud bellowing voice that made her jump and spill all of the contents of her lap onto the floor... The only thing she was really worried about was her computer as she checked it over for any scuffs or cracks. Luckily, none such marks appeared. With that out of the way the dark haired brunette turned glaring green eyes up at the figure the voice had come, prepared to yell at him, [b]"Hey, you scar-"[/b] from only to clam up when she took in the entirety of him. He was... huge and... intimidating. She straightened slightly, her eyes widening at the sight of him. The glowing blue eyes weren't helping Mia at all. In fact, she felt compelled to check her pants for wet stains right about now. [b]"P-Peasants?"[/b] Mia whispered, blinking at the nature of the being. What compelled her to do what she was about to do was beyond her but Mia suddenly stood from her chair, her computer once again falling to the floor. After realizing this, she quickly scrambled to pick it up again and put in on the seat delicately. Then, with a determined look in her eyes, she faced the demon... thing and pointed in the direction of where she assumed the 'Headmaster's' room was. She hoped to God she wasn't wrong because she wasn't really sure what this guy would do to here if she weren't. Would he strangle her? Remove her heart? Gouge out her eyes? Cut her hands and feet off? The morbid thoughts only served to tense Mia up as she stood there pointing like a lunatic.