Footsteps and a voice behind Autumn startled her. She jumped and the leaves fell around her. She turned to be staring at a boy- a rather handsome boy- dressed in a vest. She watched with widened eyes as he said hey, then she giggled when he attempted to lean on an invisible tree and fall. She felt partially bad about it, but he was a cute awkward type- much like herself. "You're funny." She stated and blushed. Did she really just say that? Out loud, to him? Wow was she stupid or what. "OH, uh, I mean..." She stammered and put her hands behind her back, fiddling with her fingers nervously. "I'm Autumn." She said, not looking at him. She felt her cheek burn with a blush. "Are you okay?" She asked and approached them. "Did you hurt your side?" She asked, concern etched on her face. She placed her hand on his side and a soft glow left the palm of the young witch and lit up his side. She had just recently practiced the art of healing. She had purposefully made marks on herself just to practice with her healing- and it worked. She was happy she was getting better and better at conrolling her powers every day.