[center][b]Lulu[/b] [img=http://www.ezimba.com/work/141105C/ezimba16806018452300.gif][/center] He felt his entire body go numb and hot as the girl turned to look at him. [i]Okay... So... She's prettier than I thought.[/i] [i]Pretty hot? More like a babe.[/i] [i]Shut up, will you?[/i] All of this went on inside his head, not a single movement from his body. After a few seconds, he was going to say something else when he heard her voice. [b][i]"You're funny."[/i][/b] He blinked. It was like the world lit up around him. the words echoed in his mind and he lost himself for a moment. To her, it probably looked like he was simply staring at her, more than likely daydreaming. Which he wasn't. He just stood there, the words replaying in his head like a record. [b][i]"You're funny."[/i][/b] ... Her laugh... echoed in his mind. It was like a symphony of... he couldn't think of what it sounded like, it just sounded amazing. If she'd said anything past "You're funny," he wouldn't have known it. [i]Dude... Wake up.[/i] He came to as he felt her hands at his side and then... A warm feeling exploded in his stomach. He jumped, shocked, and fell on his ass. After a few seconds of trying to comprehend what had just happened, Lulu pulled a hand up to rub the back of his neck and chuckled. [b]"M-Maybe you should do that anymore."[/b] He told her, laughing at himself. [b]"It's not everyday you get healed by a pretty lady."[/b] He continued, his face turning beet red. [i]#FLAWLESS.[/i] [i]Dork.[/i] [i]ARGH!![/i] [b]"M-May I ask for th-"[/b] Just as he was about to ask for her name, Lulu smelled something. Turning, he noticed her. A large grey she-wolf with large golden eyes. Narrowing his eyes, Lulu stood slowly and took a step towards the pretty lady, getting in-between her and the beast. He didn't know exactly what she was exactly and the sheer size of her sent shivers of fear down his spine. Not to mention... The smell of her blood. It was enough to drive him crazy. So much blood... strong... rich blood... His eyes dilated and he swallowed, trying his best to keep his instincts at bay.