After that whisper, that was when they saw it. A hand reaching up from the other side of the roof. [youtube][/youtube] The hand gripped the ledge of the roof. Then another hand appeared, gripping the ledge as well. Another hand appeared. Then another. Then another. In an instant, the hands launched the main body of the creature up into the air, landing in front of the recruits. The creature appeared to be a big mass of hands. One of the hands held an expressionless mask. The hand turned the mask from side to side, as if sizing its prey up. However, when its gaze landed on Unmei, it let out what could be considered a roar that sounded like the wind on a stormy day. Each hand drew a long, slender blade. The fear the group was feeling was likely overwhelming. Takahiro growled. He felt useless. He didn't even chew out the girl that called him "Taka". "Those creatures..." He said, his voice shaky. "We call them Shadows." He gasped looking down at the suitcase he only now realized he was carrying. As fast as possible, he opened it up. It seemed to contain four objects that appeared to be guns. He slid the suitcase towards the group. "Take them! You'll know what to do!" ----------------------- Yoromatsu had awoken and made his way to the Command Room, trying to see where the Shadow was. He looked at all the camera feeds, finally spotting it on the roof. "There!" He moved to run to the roof, but the Chairman stopped him. "Wait." He said calmly. ----------------- Takahiro was indeed correct. The group couldn't explain it, but they did know what to do. Unmei would be first. She would pick up one of the objects and put it to her head. It was as if she was acting on instinct. All thoughts were completely gone. All she could feel was fear. Her whole arm trembled. Unmei would hear the voice of a child in her head; the same child that welcomed her on the night she first came to Iwatodai. "Go on..." He'd say in an encouraging voice. The sweat had begun to pour down her face as her breathing became more ragged. But when she heard the boy's voice, a wave of calm washed over her. She felt like a child that had just been comforted by their mother. Her arm stopped trembling. Her breathing returned to normal after a long, relieved sigh. A smile formed on her face. Unmei would be compelled to speak the following word; "Per... so... na...!" She'd pull the trigger on the gun. That calm grew into confidence as a blue aura surrounded her, taking the shape of an expressionless humanoid with long white arms and legs. It spoke with a booming voice. "Thou art I... I am thou... from the sea of thy soul, I cometh. I am Orpheus, master of strings." The Shadow seemed to let out a hiss and recoil at this new creature's presence. The others followed suit, each picking up guns, each saying that word, and each pulling the trigger. However, they would not have the little boy encouraging them. As their own creatures appeared, the Shadow let out another hiss. Takahiro gazed at these newly awakened Personas. Finally, he came to his senses. "Sindarion!" He put his own Evoker to his head and pulled the trigger. A bearded old man in white robes appeared behind Takahiro, enveloping him in the robes and rising him into the air. The group would hear Takahiro's voice in their heads. "Don't worry about what's going on!" He told them. "Just do what feels right. I'll be here to support you."