Autumn smiled at his compliment. "I'm not that pretty..." She said, suddenly feeling self conscious especially due to these stupid glasses. Man, she needed to get replacement contacts and soon. He was cute and dorky, just about his type. She liked cute and dorky. "Uhm..." She mumbled, not sure what really to say next. She felt awkward just standing here. Was he okay? He seemed to zone out- then that's when she realized they weren't alone. She usually kept her guard up, but she had let it down talking to this boy, why? She was usually so cautious. "No, she's okay. I can tell." Autumn said, stepping back in front of Lulu. "Hello." She greeted, bowing her head. "I'm Autumn, and this is Lulu." She said, pointing to the boy behind her. It was a werewolf, or a shewolf more like it, but from her aura Autumn could tell she was kind and not a bad person. She kept her posture and smiled to the shewolf. Her colors were beautiful and she seemed beautiful herself. "Do you go to the Academy?" Autumn asked.