[quote=WilsonTurner] I may have to drop out. Getting to be too many characters that are far too skilled. Everyone is an expert at something, or at many somethings, and half of everyone appear to have very good swordsmanship. [/quote] Well, I must say that I agree with you. It seems hard to believe that these 'rebels' would have difficulty beating much of anything. In my opinion, most of these characters are way too powerful to be even higher ups in a rebel force. I would expect to find these characters wandering around and fighting off hordes of orcs. Though it is not stated that we are beginners, it is also not stated that our characters should be experts in their fields. The four generals with their 'unfathomable' power would stand little chance against the rebels if they were all like our characters. It is not that I we can't have a few strong people; it is just that I would prefer an actual challenge. Right now, in my opinion, we are set up for any easy win. There is just not enough room for character growth from my point if view. But, I will leave the GM to decide on the matter. If I don't find it acceptable, I will still submit my character for the sake of balancing it out.