[center][b]Lulu[/b] [img=http://www.ezimba.com/work/141105C/ezimba16806018452300.gif][/center] Lulu blinked, watching the pretty lady step out in front of him and say something about how the wolf wasn't dangerous. Just as he was about to argue that point, the damn thing changed into a girl and started talking. Lulu... blinked yet again, trying to make sense of everything. So... This girl was some kind of healer... and the other was a werewolf? He should have known from her scent, but for some reason he just couldn't pick it up very well. Probably the wind. With a sigh, Lulu poked his head out from behind the pretty lady, who introduced herself as Autumn. [b]"Sorry. I just... couldn't smell you very well. The draft, yanno?"[/b] He explained, chuckling a bit awkwardly. He still had to suppress the urge to rush up and bite the wolf's neck, though it was a bit easier now that she'd changed forms. Maybe that was what he should call her... Wolf. He chuckled to himself again and shook the idea away. She probably wouldn't appreciate that. He eyed Autumn then Wolf and then turned back to Autumn. He was in a pretty girl sandwich. If he didn't know any better, he'd say he were dreaming. [b]"So... uh... What do we do now?"[/b] Lulu asked, feeling a bit... awkward about now. His eyes shifted from side to side, trying desperately to find some way of keeping a form of conversation going. [b]"I'm... uh... guessing we all go to the academy?"[/b] He asked, rubbing the back of his neck again. He felt his stomach rumble out of the blue, a loud noise that echoed through the forested area they were in. [b]"Ack!"[/b] He called out, his hands coming up to grasp his stomach. Chuckling awkwardly, he explained to the girls, [b]"It seems as though my stomach is angry with me. I... uh..."[/b] [i]How to put this delicately.[/i] [i]How about, if we don't go soon, I might end up breaking my oath and biting Wolf.[/i] [i]That won't go over very well, dumbass.[/i] [b]"I'm... uh... rather... parched."[/b] He spoke finally, hoping that they understood the message. [b]"I need to head back to my room and get something in my system."[/b] He explained, grinning a bit. He felt... really awkward now. Which brought him to another point... Why had Autumn not done this to him? He hadn't realized how thirsty he was until this she-wolf came out of the blue. It was like her being around him [i]made[/i] him thirsty. Plus it probably didn't help that he hadn't spent much time around werewolves. His uncle had never liked them much and therefore had never socialized with them.