August..... even as the sun's blistering rays basked and sizzled against her pale, ghostly complexion, the girl couldn't help but feel no warmth at all piercing her frail marred with several cuts, several red and black scars, the grisly results of her claws scraping across the fragile flesh, the searing...hellish agony giving her some sort of release, some sort of comfort as the blood trickled down her arms and fell from her slender fingertips. She covered the scars with the sleeves of her black hoodie and pulled the hood over her head, concealing her tired, bloodshot eyes, ugly streaks of red bristling around an orb of emerald green like crimson lightning, thick, black chasms weighing deep under her eyelids as a result from countless nights left awake lamenting and trapped in lachrymose. "Another year....." She whispered to herself. "Another....fucking.....year....." With a solitary stream of tears quietly seeping from her left eye, Liz sighed deep and mournfully, basking a glance downward unto the school campus as a soft breeze graced her cheeks. She couldn't feel solace.. All Liz felt inside....was cold...empty....lifeless... She stood atop the academy's belfry with only one intention left in her mind as her chosen [url=]epitaph[/url] sounded through the black and red earbuds she had stuffed in her ears, her mp3 player nestled in the front pocket of her hoodie. One more sigh escaped her shivering lungs and exhaled into the Autumn air past her quivering, pierced lips. She was going to do it..... Maybe this would work. [i]"Things not what they used to be Missing one inside of me Deathly lost, this can't be real Cannot stand this hell I feel Emptiness is filling me To the point of agony Growing darkness taking dawn I was me, but now she's gone"[/i] She prepared herself, taking slow, gradual steps towards the razor end of the ledge, again glancing down to what would meet her at the end....the cold, hard ground. Liz inhaled, taking as much air in as her lungs allowed her in this moment. "Here goes....." She whispered. "Maybe this will work." [i]'No one but me can save myself, but it's too late Now I can't think, think why I should even try Yesterday seems as though it never existed Death greets me warm, now I will just say goodbye"[/i] 3....2.....1..... With a mental countdown, Liz counted away the ultimate seconds of her fate and closed her eyes softly before......her foot met with nothing but air as she stepped off and began her violent descent towards demise, not fearing it but.....welcoming it.....greeting it onward with the intention of death to finally take her....finally rid her of this disgusting existence....and ferry her elsewhere, perhaps to those dark reaches where she knew her mother awaited her. The wind howled ferocious in her ears as her body plummeted from such a steep height, time seeming to stagger and stagger as Liz moved closer and closer to hitting the ground with full terminal velocity, enough to shatter every bone in her body, enough to liquidize her organs and spew them all over the fucking ground, but she wanted she NEEDED it! the last second before her face even met with the grass and the gravel, Liz's eyes snapped open and she was jerked upwards by a force of flames shooting from her back, the flames forming into a pair of badly burned wings with feathers as black as ravens of a cemetery. Gently, Liz's wings flapped, and rather than smash face first into the unforgiving soil.....she descended gracefully and fell unto her knees in a painful but quiet fit of sobs. "Fuck.......fuck.......why? Why can't I..........? FUCK!!" Bitterly she buried her fist into the tear-stained ground below her knees and struggled to stand on her two buckling legs. She failed....again.... Why did she even bother to end her life anymore?