[img=http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.608052174134182714&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0] First Name: Senoka Last Name:Cerenis Age(14-18): 17 Gender:Male Club (Host or Other): Host Type: Smart Type Special Skills: Able to remember almost every thing, sometimes teaches the teachers, can usually calculate math in his head faster than someone can do it in a calculator, Likes to study a human's body (Not Sexually) and find their weaknesses Odd Habits: Talking to himself, comes up with theories to everything, will often be found reading a book, writing out complicated math problems to try and solve himself, dissecting something, or hanging out with Lyra. Usually supplies her with Pixie Sticks Likes: -Books -Math -Science -Theology -Video Games Dislikes: -Sports -People who act like they know everything -People who dislike him because they think he know everything, he simply knows a lot -People who read " Li-k-e Th-iii-s" -Most people in general Other: Loses all smarts when tired or just wakes up, usually a big klutz, his room is filled with books on almost every subject, although he as an amazing memory usually forgets names