[center]WELCOME TO ARCADIA [img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/263/3/7/city_in_the_sky_by_lildormilon-d5f7xwl.jpg] THE HISTORY In the past, a war raged on. A war between magic and technology. For hundreds of years the sorcerer fought against the technicians for complete power over the land of Arcana. The sorcerers made monsters and the technicians countered with weapons of mass destruction, however neither could control their beasts and soon they found equal ground against the sorcerer's grim and the technician's viruses. They could never defeat their monsters on their own and they soon reached a conclusion that they needed each others help. They ended up raising a child who was both technician and sorcerer. This child was the most intelligent being ever known and was called, The Creator. He was the only one among them capable of using both technology and magic which he used to make a SOUL. This false spirit was put inside of an angel and she was named Valkyrie. She defeated the grim and viruses and raised a portion of Arcana into the sky out of the reach of the beasts. Rumor has it, that she is the only thing that keeps the city afloat and that The Creator has been alive ever since, making more SOULS for Angels and Golems. TERMINOLOGY ((Because that story made no sense if you don't know the meaning of the words)) Sorcerers: Magic Users Technicians: Machine Users SOUL: Synthetic Owning Unique Life, the core of Angels and Golems Angels: Females with a SOUL who are both magic and machine Golems: Males with a SOUL who are both magic and machine Viruses: Machine Monsters that live on the land beneath Arcadia Grim: Magical monsters that live on the land beneath Arcadia MORE ON SOULS A SOUL is the main component of Angels and Golems. Each SOUL is made special and unique by The Creator so that no two are alike. This SOUL gives Angels and Golems extremely human qualities, not to mention their bodies vary depending on their soul and affinity. Some angels or golems may have a greater affinity for magic, making them look more human or magical while technology based angels and golems will appear more robotic. However the SOUL will give each one a personality and emotions. PURPOSE OF ANGELS AND GOLEMS Angels and Golems are used for a multitude of things ranging from assistants in magic or tech labs to fighting monsters down Below. Each one is brought into the world with a big party and are practically celebrities. During their first few years of life, they choose a wizard or technician to mentor them in the ways of Arcadia and train them in their desired field SORCERERS AND TECHNICIANS They get along alright though it's not unheard of for the two to hold ancient rivalry against each other. Sorcerers are normally seen in long robes and scarves while the technicians take on a more casual punk feel. Sorcerers call each other brother and sister and mother and father. Technicians are far less formal. THE CITADEL The biggest building in Arcadia and it is where all angels and golems come from. It is their first home and where they stay before going out on their own. ARCADIA Is made up of multiple floating islands that are all connected to the main island at the center that houses the citadel. Every so often, new chunks float up from down below and are colonized. RULES Follow RPG TOS No God Modding I AM GOD No auto hitting Atleast a few sentences. I don't mind if it's one sentence for fighting scenes. There can be romance but take it to the pms I will add more stuff as i see fit CHARACTER SHEET Appearance: (I suggest vocaloid and please be anime or art) Name: Appeared Age: (18-30 for sorcerers and techs, 15-25 for golems and angels) Actual Age: (for sorcerers and techs, this age doesn't differ from appeared age, for golems and angels, this varies depending on you) Gender: (sorcerers and tech say male or female, golems and angels for others) Path: (Sorcerer or Tech) Weapons: (golems and angels have access to both spells and weapons and get one weapon and two spells or vise versa. Sorcerers only have spells and techs only have weapons and each have two weapons/spells) Spells: (can be whatever you like) Career: Personality: Other: If you have any questions I'll help you out because I know it's kinda confusing. MY CHARACTER Appearance: [img]https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10696212_637869446335688_3122074651791911229_n.jpg?oh=7167f81abed374f64c189e58b879250a&oe=54F6B886[/img] Name: Sister Sonia Appeared Age: 18 Actual Age: 7 Gender: Angel Path: Sorcerer Weapons: Battle Axe Named Leviathan Spells: Propulsion Magic: Magic Rings that launcher her or others into the air also giving her a strength perk Light magic: Summon and Condense holy light that harms grim. Career: Devote follower of The Creator. Awakener of new Angels and Golems. Personality: Kind, Sweet, Passionate, Motherly Other: Likes reading. [/center]