[u] [b]Jack[/b] [/u] [i]“It would seem we think alike, yes. As for being made for each other? For that I cannot say, only that perky witch of a Goddess can really say for sure.”[/i] If Jack could have blushed he would have. "Th... that's not what I meant by that... I mean I didn't mean to insinuate..." It would have been quiet a comical scene seeing the skeleton with its jaw just hanging open, completely speechless. The whole situation caused him to loose his concentration, Jack felt his skin began to slip back over his bones. Glancing down he watched as skin creeped up and cover his hand. Looking back up his good-natured personality coming back to him, "Dang it Erin, you made me lose my concentration." His grin broke out, this time lips peeled back from his shining white teeth, "What ever shall I do? I'm human again. I look nothing like who I'm supposed to, though I suppose the detective part remains." He laughed a little to himself thinking about how just a little while ago something like this would have been a miracle. Now he was beginning to control his disability. Hopefully soon he wouldn't even have to think about it when changing back and forth. [i]“Jack! Have you started clearing out the storage shed yet? Recovering or not, you’re not going to get out of being punished for letting Astrid get drunk the other night…”[/i] Jack's dark brown eyes darted away from Erin and landed on his 'only-slightly' older sister. "Cleaning out the storage shed? Oh yeah, I was only busy with my paralyzing fear and being abducted by a goddess. Didn't help that she was the one to cause the situation either." His words were light despite their meaning and he reached over and pulled the little red into his embrace. Before she could overreact to his words he said, "Nut-ball you know I'm joking." Looking back at Ky' he nodded to her letting her know that he would get on the shed as soon as he could. It was still hard taking orders from Ky' as Jack had also tried running for Cabin Counselor. Unfortunately he hadn't won, though as far as counselors went Ky' wasn't bad. [u] [b]Astrid[/b] [/u] Astrid fell slack under Jack's arms, "Ugggg Ky' your such a fun killer! It's Halloween, lighten up." She tried to put the blame on Ky', but she was really just trying to avoid the subject of her doing manual labor. Pushing herself away from Jack rolling her eyes at him. "Come on guy, you call this a Halloween event? We're freakn' half-bloods, lets put on a show. Erin isn't this usually your forte? Where are all the dead, you know besides Jack." She received a playful smack on the back of the head from him for that." In return she stuck her tongue out at him. "I've been here for what 17 years now? 'Got bracelets up my entire arm for it. I think it's time we throw the party of all Halloween Parties." Before Ky' or Jack could say anything she quickly put in, "Not a drinking party or anything, but I think some of us could use something to take our minds off the recent events." While Astrid hadn't been part of the Ate project she did hear about it through the grapevines and sympathized all the victims.