Aldric sensed that his appearance might have spooked Emilia by the way her voice was caught midway between stuttering and trembling. Even so, something about it piqued his interest. He took a step back, deciding to be polite, and responded, "Greetings, Emilia. It is pleasant to know at least one of you here is respectable." He enjoyed being called King and told that it was, [i]"a fitting title.[/i] "I will gladly accept being referred to as King, madame. Before discussing the treasures of the day, I wish to know the one I work with;" Aldric had remembered that this was a school for supernatural beings. His earlier thoughts of needing a commander returned. "As for me, I have lived for many Eons, the only lich to have walked this earth. If not, the only one of us who matters. I have survived the rise and fall of all great nations, obtaining and collecting the knowledge of them all, much that has been lost to the world today." He pulled up a nearby couch to rest on as he stared deeply into her green eyes awaiting her response.