[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/f03efea7-de7e-40e8-adc1-dfc5f0bc6cc7.jpg] Ryzza Gutheil Ryzza is a vampire from the Rioz famigilia, with her father being the don. Ever since her older sister eloped and left the country with her husband a few decades ago, her father has become unbearably overprotective of her. Ryzza felt she could take care of herself so she constantly spent her time evading her bodyguards, usually causing them all sorts of grief. When she drove her previous guard to quit, her father hired a strong vampire named Vitorrio to guard her, and she quite liked him and genuinely believed him to be her friend. However, a few months later someone exposed him as the underboss of a rival mafia family named Vencentio who was a spy sent to infiltrate her family, using her to get close. He barely escaped alive and Ryzza is still angry about his betrayal, but feels conflicted about whether she wants her 'friend' to end up dead. [/center]