[img=http://i.imgur.com/HTFcvih.png] [img=http://i.imgur.com/BzTqlOG.png] [b][u]Cuttersbury: Trail towards Drych Lake[/b][/u] Trixie's expression practically ballooned; her splatbomb had totally missed and caked up Lute instead! "Oh omelets! Echo, are you okay!? I'm so so so sorry!" She was about to rush after him to get him out from his predicament, but Amy's voice called after her on time to stop her. Instead the cleric came rushing to Lute's side, and began shoveling the goop off of him while giving him as well as Tobi a healing spell. Hopefully the cleric having proximity to Lute and Tobi (relatively) for the time being would ease their pain, especially since Lute took a direct blow to his face. That at least allowed the others to maintain their focus on the varren. Hands empty now, Trixie stared at the frustrated beast as it stomped along the ground. "Closer to his face instead?" she pondered over Nani's words - before shuddering. A fairly terrifying memory of Moira throwing her up a hundred thousand feet into the air back in Museo flashed in her mind just then. Yeah... anything but that again. "Weeeeell... maybe if I..." The prankster whipped out her uzis again. Quickly she reloaded the two and began firing straight at the beast. Tiny sparks flashed on his face where she was shooting, and the beast didn't even wince at her tactics. That was, until, he noticed Jett speeding right at him - and the floating blob of water not too far behind him, above Quentin's head. These humans were interesting, but just only that! So the varren made to attack Jett as he drew near and-- Something shattered. "Ratatatatatata, take that, ugly! Yeah! You want some of this? How about you [i]get[/i] some of this! Yeah! Bang! Bang bang! Ratatatata!" The varren recoiled. Not that Trixie's bullets had done any damage, but the sunglasses, those quality-branded shades of magnificence that was sitting right atop his snout, had shattered. The big boss let out another ear-shattering roar at this, followed by more tantrum stomps, causing everyone caught off guard to lose their footing again. Trixie caught herself this time, thankfully, and used this time to continue firing at his face (as best as she could - stray bullets still flew around everywhere). If the rapid-fire nuisance alone wasn't enough, she kept following up with nasty taunts to boot. It wasn't so much that the varren could understand her, but her voice was enough to bang on eardrums too. So the varren targeted Trixie next, causing her to cease her firing - "Uh oh." - and leap out of the way from his claw diving down on her, and on anyone else who was nearby. But before he could get distracted with a new target, Trixie resumed her bullet barrage, continually drawing his attention to her. He charged after her a second time, his sharp talons dying to silence her. Trixie barely had enough time to shriek and dodge certain death as it slammed into the ground, causing things to go rumbling again. Wailing now, she began firing at him yet again. "Ahhhh I don't have bullets to last me all day, yaknow!" Hopefully she was keeping his attention long enough to open him to an attack...!