[quote=Balena_Rex] Just a few things.- Removed the death penalty: Bad, its better then life in prison- One of, if not the first, western leaders to recognise Communist China: How is this good, communism is horrible.- Denounced America for dropping bombs onto Civilian areas: It was a war, everyone did it, including the UK.- The first left leaning leader after a total of 23 years of right wing rule, most likely thanks to his reforming of the Labour Party's structure and elective system: Horrible, he seems like a commy. [/quote] Lets counter that shall we? Lets go - Perhaps for you but it may not be for others. In any case it is besides the point its a punishment and not supposed to be fun - Two things. The first being just because you dont like a ideology doesnt mean that the country doesnt exist. The second, could you clarify as to why Communism is so horrible? Can you do better than Revans Exile? - Just because everyone is doing it doesnt mean its the right thing to do, and these people were not even soldiers who you would expect to die in war, no these were normal people trying to live a regular life - Uh... You do realise that not every Left Leaning person is a commie right? And you do realise that because of his left leaning policies he granted eqaul rights to every Australian no matter their race, creed or gender and that if he was not elected then people would be living in eqaulity for even longer?