[quote=Balena_Rex] I shall counter your counter.-You know the whole no cruel and unusual punishment thing, life in prison is cruel and unusual. -Now I admit, on paper communism seems good, but China changed it so much that its horrible.-Never said its right, I admit they where Innocent but still, I personally dont see it as a good thing as just insulting the us doesn't seem equal. Which leads me to my next thing.-Now I know that, and its good he gave equality. But at least in America (Idk about Australia) but the left wingers are typically horrible.Also I wish death on no one, and the other things he did seem great (Such as equality for Aboriginals and Women, and I wish the USA would do it to natives) but these are just some things I saw. May the man rest in piece though, as it seems he did do great things. [/quote] And I shall counter your counter of my counter! - What? Im sorry but I cant make sense of this sentence - Before Communism, China was a Authoritarian society that had been split between warlords for the past decade and before that was ruled by Equally Authoritarian Monarchy. Not only that but they were mainly a Agrarian society with little to no industry and instead relied on giant plantations, often owned by large foreign companies. After the Revolution China managed to industrialise itself in a span of a few short years (short in comparison to how long it would have taken Capitalism) after of course many purges by the Authoritarian regime that China had become. What you must understand however is that that form of Communism is a warped and corrupted version of Marxism, and carved to fulfil not the peoples needs but one mans desires. - By denouncing the US Whitlam made a stand for Human rights. Something that leaders would never be so brave to do these days, and not just involving Human Rights Issues but in general. - Pfft. Your Lefties are a bunch of watered down populist softcocks who use pandering methods even if it goes against Socialism, or even Libertarianism for that matter.